Children On Their Birthdays *LiMiTED* - SCREENER - OPiUM
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  . : ÖÄÄÄÄ--uuu u-[         Children On Their Birthdays        ]-u uuu-ÄÄÄÄÄ· : .
  3 3                            RELEASE INFORMATION                           3 |
  u U                                                                          U u
       Title       : Children..            Release Date : 26/02/2003           
       Type        : VCD/SCREENER          Genre        : Drama / Family 
       Supplier    : A Friend              Encoder      : Another Friend 
       Size        : 2 CD                  Format       : Bin/Cue
       Filename(s) : opium-.*              Picture/Audio: 9/10 - 9/10
       Bitrate     : 1.150 MBitps          Dimensions  : 352x240 px          º
       Frame rate  : Pulldown-29.97fps     Aspect rat. : Special 1.47:1      º
    U                                                                          U
  u U                                                                        U u
                        M O V I E   I N F O R M A T I O N 
     This film holds up contrasts between urban and rural cultures, 
     courage and passivity, childhood and adulthood, other-centeredness
     and self-centeredness, dealing with many issues of life 
     and perspectives in an inspiring, tasteful way.
     Miss Lily Jane Bobbit is an interesting character that evokes curiosity
     throughout the story. Great movie for the whole family. 
     User Rating:  8.2/10 (20 votes) 
     Credited cast:  
     Sheryl Lee ....  War widowed mother 
     Joe Pichler (I) ....  Billy Bob Murphy 
     Jesse Plemons ....  Preacher Star 
     Tania Raymonde ....  Lilly Jane Bobbitt 
     Christopher McDonald ....  Speedy Thorne 
     Tom Arnold ....  Lionel Quince      
     Phyllis Frelich ....  Mrs. Bobbit 
     MPAA: Rated PG for mild thematic elements and brief language.
     Runtime: 102 min 
     Country: USA 
     Language: English 
     Color: Color 
     Sound Mix: DTS / Dolby Digital / SDDS 
     Certification: USA:PG
                              [ CONTACT INFORMATION ] 
    We are currently looking for people which can help us with the following !      
    - Work at a cinema/theatre, have access to the projection booth,  
      and are able to make analog/digital recordings.
    - Live in asia, have access to new silver vcd/dvd movies 
      with decent upload speed !
    - Can get ahold of workprints/screeners/dvd retail/dvd screeners, etc 
    - If u can get new-unreleased Games/Console/Utils , or Work in one  of 
      These stores/places : Baggages, Electronics Boutique, FuncoLand, Media Play, 
      Software Etc, GameStop, Baggage's, magazine, warehouse, publisher,
      duplicator,  distributor, game press/marketing company,     
      courier delivery firm, tv/radio show, language translator company.
    - contact us @ email : [email protected]