Firestarter *WS* - DVDRIP - warSVCD
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     .MM . MMM     MM     .M MM  M   MMMMMMMMMMMM..MM         MM .MMM         !
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         MM      MM        w***** a** r*********         .MMMMM       _MMM MM      M
        MM                                               M,,    ...MMM       .MMMM.
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                          presents...                              °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                        Firestarter *WS*                           °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                         [Release Details]                         °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°           Supplier: war                Source: DVD                °±°
        °±°           Ripper..: war                Format: Bin/Cue            °±°
        °±°           Encoder.: war                Disks.: 57X15,56x15        °±°
        °±°           Packager: war                Covers: No                 °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°           Release Date: 03/07/2002     SVCD Format..: NTSC        °±°
        °±°           Store Date..: 00/00/1984     Video Bitrate: 1678        °±°
        °±°                                        Audio Bitrate: 224 DOLBY   °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                    Burn On       : 80mins cd-r                    °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                            [IMBD Info]                            °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                         °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                   Directed by: Mark L. Lester                     °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                   User Rating:  5.6/10                            °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                   Genre: Thriller / Horror                        °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                   Runtime      : 114                              °±°
        °±°                   Country      : USA                              °±°
        °±°                   Language     : English                          °±°
        °±°                   Color        : Color                            °±°
        °±°                   Certification: Australia:M                      °±°
        °±°                                  Finland:K-18                     °±°
        °±°                                  Norway:18 (uncut)                °±°
        °±°                                  Sweden:15UK:15                   °±°
        °±°                                  USA:R                            °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                                 Cast                              °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                     David Keith ....  Andrew McGee                °±°
        °±°                     Drew Barrymore ....  Charlene 'Charlie' McGee °±°
        °±°                     Freddie Jones ....  Doctor Joseph Wanless     °±°
        °±°                     Heather Locklear ....  Vicky McGee            °±°
        °±°                     Martin Sheen ....  Captain Hollister          °±°
        °±°                     George C. Scott ....  John Rainbird           °±°
	°±°			Art Carney ....  Irv Manders  		      °±°
	°±°			Louise Fletcher ....  Norma Manders           °±°
	°±°			Moses Gunn ....  Doctor Pynchot               °±°
	°±°			Antonio Fargas ....  Taxi Driver              °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°  David Keith & Drew Barrymore star in this thriller about a child °±°
        °±°  (Barrymore) who has the amazing ability to create fires just by  °±°
        °±°  staring at anyone or anything, her father who also has the       °±°
        °±°  ability make people do what he wants. A secret government agency °±°
        °±°  known as "The Shop" led by Martin Sheen & George C. Scott plot   °±°
        °±°  to kidnap the duo for testing their abilities. Can this power    °±°
        °±°  and the love of her father stop this sinister agency before all  °±°
        °±°  hell breaks loose.                                               °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                          [Rippers Notes]                          °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°  Nothing special here. Just a old classic releases. Stephen King, °±°
        °±°  the horror master. Enjoy.                                        °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                                                 -goretrade        °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                         [Other Bullshit]                          °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°             Contact :   [email protected]                   °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°             Applying:   t3 20g+ sites & experienced dvdrippers    °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°             Greetz  :   Strictly the quality guru's.              °±°
        °±°                         names/affils not necessary.               °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°             Note    :   If you like this movie, burn it.          °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        °±°                                                                   °±°
        ±°°±°°±°°±°[nfo gfx and layout done by fukimdead c/o warSVCD]°±°°±°°±°°±°