Dr Who *S16E03* *SVCD* - DVDRIP - SMeG
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         SMEG   Û°°Û       Û±±ÛÞÝ ÞÝÛ±±Û  Û±±Û       Û±±Û      PRESENTS
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                          Release Information                                
                          Type.......: SVCD                                
                          Release....: 04/12/03                            
                          Audio......: 224kbs MP2                          
                          Video......: 1950 avg 2450 max   4 pass VBR      
                          Genre......: SCI-FI                              
                          Runtime....: 44 min                              
                          Size.......: CD1 RAR 15MB x15                    
                                       CD2 RAR 15MB x15                    
                          TVtome.com.: http://tvtome.com/DoctorWho/        
                                       season16.html U                     
                          IMDB.......: n/a                                 
                          Language...: English                             
                          Subtitles..: N/A                                 
                          IMDB Rating: n/a                                 
                              PLot and Cast                                  
 The Stones of Blood 
gs: Beatrix Lehmann (Professor Amelia Rumford) Susan Engels (Vivian Fay)    
England, the late 1970s. The TARDIS materialises near an ancient stone      
circle, from where the Third Segment's signal emanates... but it doesn't    
seem to be there. Who is responsible for the recent sacrifices in the       
circle? And is there any truth to the legend that the stones can move?      
NOTE: Four episodes.                                                        
A special scene with a birthday cake was improvised for inclusion, in honour
of the fact that this was the show's hundredth episode. Producer Graham     
Williams vetoed this at a late stage.                                       
? To save money during production of Part Three, it was decided to include  
some one-off monsters in the cells of the ship in hyperspace as prisoners,  
depending on which costumes survived. A Wirrn from The Ark in Space appeared
and a payment was sent to their creator, Robert Holmes. A Sea Devil from The
Sea Devils was supposed to appear as well and a payment was sent to their   
creator, Malcolm Hulke but in the end the prop was either not used or shots 
of it were lost during editing. A deactivated Kraal android from The Android
Invasion also appeared                                                      
                     We are currently looking for :                         
                     @ Experienced SVCD/VCD rippers                         
                     @ TV/VHS Cappers                                       
                     @ Suppliers of silver pressed vcds or pirated/retail   
                       dvds from asia/europe.                               
                     @ Suppliers of DVD's before storedate                  
                     @ 10mbit+ 600gb+ GLFTPD site affils                    
                     @ EU/US 10Mbit+ 50GB+ Linux/Windows Dump Site          
                     @ We do NOT need couriers so dont apply!               
                     @ Anything else you think may of be intrest to us.     
               FlAiR, SiCK, oNS, GORiE, BlooDWesieR, TmN!                   
                           Bloodlite, CYNDVD                                
                  and all the rest we forgot to mention                     
                      EMAIL : [email protected]                            
                        SITE  : Never, Ever!                                
             IRC   : are u on crack? (We will find you if needed!)          