Death Row Game Show - VHSRIP - BLooDLiTE
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BL offers vcd encodes ²² of VHS movies not available or ²²²² cut versions on DVD. ²²²² ²²²² ²²²² For the fans, from the fans. ²²²² ²²²² ²²²² Plot Summary ²²²² "In the year 1991, contestants don't play for prizes ²²²² ...they play for their lives!" ²²²² ²²²² ²²²² Chuck Toedan's the host of a gameshow featuring death row convicts ²²²² competeing in life-or-death contests in hopes of cheating the ² ² executioner or, at the very least, winning some nice prizes for ²²² their next of kin. ²²² ²²² ²²² Mark Pirro (Curse of the Queerwolf) has been churning out his ²²² unique brand of humor independently, with his company "Pirromont Pictures" (hehe), since 1981. Pirro should most definitely be applauded for his support of independent film makers everwhere. Going so far as extending his expertise (in many cases, his wallet) to get their movies made. See for more info ²²²² ²²²² With Polish Vampire in Burbank & Curse of the Queerwolf both seeing ²²²² DVD releases, I would like to think this movie is not far behind. However, there is a possible issue with rights. This is one of the few instances that Pirro was hired to direct a movie outside of Pirromont. Have no fear tho, his trademark humor is plastered all over this. I have fond memories of watching this on late night ²²² Cinemax, I hope you too will enjoy this as much as I did. The world ²² could certainly use more independent thinking film makers. ²²²² ²²²² Enjoy! ²²²² ²²²² No DVD release in sight. VHS is from 1988, Retail. However, ²²²² tapes do get worn out, most noticable in the sound. No matter tho ²²²² I just feel the need to point it out. You will not care, nor notice, once the film is rolling. ²²² You think you can help BLooDLiTE? ²²²² Email us.. but plz don't email asking ²²²² where to get the releases. We can not ²²²² help you with that, Our apologies. ²²²² ²²²² [email protected] ²²²² ²²²² 2003 ²²²² ²²²² ²²²² ²²² ²² ²²²² ²²²² ²²²² ²²²² ²²²² ²²²² ²²²² ²²²²² ²²²²² ²²²² ²²²² ²²² ²² ² ² ²²²