South Park Bigger Longer And Uncut *WS* *SVCD* - DVDRIP - PRiMO
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	=			Release Notes:
	=	 							   =	 
	=  	Hilarious movie, check it out!  Wish it didn't have	   =	
	=   	as much singing in it, though!				   =
	=                		   				   =
	=    Format-----: BIN/CUE    Disks-------: 2		           = 								  
	=    Source-----: DVD        Length------: 81 min                  =                                      
	=    Type-------: NTSC SVCD  DVD Release-: ????                    = 
	=    Screen Type: WS         Release Date: May 3, 2003             =                                          
        =                 				                   =
	=	         7.6/10 (20,056 votes)	                           =
        = 								   =
        =   			   =	
        =								   =		
	=  								   =						
	=  Plot Outline: When the four boys see an R-rated movie featuring =
	=  Canadians Terrance & Phillip, they are pronounced "corrupted",  =
	=  and their parents pressure the United States to wage war 	   =
	=  against Canada. 						   =
	=                                                                  =
	=		        Cast Overview				   =	
	=								   =
	=  Trey Parker - Stan Marsh/Eric Cartman/Satan/Mr. Garrison/       =
	=		 Phillip Niles Argyle/Randy Marsh/Tom the News     =
	=		 Reporter/Midget in a Bikini/Ticket Taker/Canadian =
	=		 Ambassador/Bombadeers/Mr. Mackey/Army General/    =
	=		 Ned Gerblanski/Additional Voices (voice)          =
	=								   =
	=  Matt Stone - Kyle Broslofski/Kenny McCormick/Saddam Hussein/    =
	=		Terrence Henry Stoot/Jimbo Kearn/Gerald	   	   =
	=               Broslofski/Bill Gates/Additional Voices (voice)	   =
	=								   =
	=  Mary Kay Bergman - Liane Cartman/Sheila Broslofski/Sharon 	   =
	=		      Marsh/Wendy Testeberger/Clitoris/		   =
	=		      Additional Voices (voice) 	 	   =
	=								   =
	=  Isaac Hayes - Jerome 'Chef' McElroy (voice) 			   =
	=								   =
	=								   =
	=								   =
	=  			RELEASE NOTES				   =
	=      Ripped With: DVD2svcd   Encoder    : CCE 5-pass VBR         =	
	=      Cd1: 50 Rars        Cd2: 47 Rars          CD3: NONE         =	
	=			Contact?				   =
	=								   =
	=		          NO! 					   =	
	=								   =	
	= Shouts to rastneezy,, cid, mc craze, sol, Surgio :> 	   =