The Matrix Reloaded *iNTERNAL* *SVCD* - TELESYNC - TCF
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±°²úÛÛÛßß ° °  release date.: may 20th 2003                           ßßÛÛÛú²°±
ÛÛÛßß± °       theatre date.: may 15th 2003 (unknown screens)             ßßÛÛÛ
° ° ° ° °      retail date..: unknown
 ± °           imdb url.....:
° ° °          imdb rating..: 7.6/10 (11020 votes)
               genre........: sci-fi/action/thriller
               mpaa rating..: R
               runtime......: 138 minutes
               source.......: homemade ts
               format.......: pal svcd (480x576, 25fps)
                              video: 1485kbit avg. 2450kbit max. 5pass vbr
                              audio: 224kbit/s 44.1khz
               disk size....: cd1 - 57x15mb
                              cd2 - 57x15mb
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    Neo and the rebel leaders estimate that they have 72 hours until
    250,000 probes discover Zion and destroy it and its inhabitants. During
    this, Neo must decide how he can save Trinity from a dark fate in his
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                           Keanu Reeves: Neo
                     Laurence Fishburne: Morpheus
                       Carrie-Anne Moss: Trinity
                           Hugo Weaving: Agent Smith
                   Harold Perrineau Jr.: Link (as Harold Perrineau)
                          Gloria Foster: The Oracle
                     Jada Pinkett Smith: Niobe
                        Harry J. Lennix: Commander Lock (as Harry Lennix)
                        Randall Duk Kim: The Keymaker
                          Ian Bliss (I): Bane
                              ...also starring...
                                   Sing Ngai
                                Helmut Bakaitis
                               Daniel Bernhardt
                                  David Kilde
                                  Matt McColm
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     notes: we couldnt resist keeping this release to ourselves...
  the_good: list of the advantages of this release...
            -no angle
            -bare minimum image cropping (2.20:1 AR vs. 2.35:1
             theatrical aspect after cropping)
            -2cd (1485kbit avg. may be low for a dvdrip but with a
             telesync source it's more than enough and there are no
             scene rules against this... nor should there be)
            -no pixelation or motion blur (thanks to 5pass vbr)
            -crystal clear and direct audio
   the_bad: list of disadvantages/discrepancies...
            -slightly grainy (standalone players filter this out
             perfectly... mother's tested, kid's approved!)
            -colors not as vibrant/saturated as apm/ctp versions
            -image not as sharp as apm/ctp versions
            -slight buzz during silent scenes (we did the best we
             could considering before our filtering it contained a
             loud 60hz electrical interference buzz, but there are
             barely any silent scenes)
            -audio filtering caused minor echo (not to be confused
             with hollowness, barely noticeable anyways)
            -minor flickering (entering zion scene-cd1, some parts
             of freeway scene-cd2... extremely low amount compared
             to any of our previous telesyncs)
  the_ugly: everything else explained here, etc...
            -matrix revolutions trailer not included (had to cut it
             to save some video bitrate)
            -2+ days to fix audio buzz (imagine the frustration of
             trying to filter a buzz that was 100x's louder than
             our old school telesync buzz, 8 filters attempted... 2
             filters succeeded!!!)
            -pal source, pal svcd... sorry ntsc only users
            -matrix 1 is still better :)
            we had this release since friday night but it took us
            quite a while to encode it, not to mention other real
            life events which delayed the process (congrats to our
            founder who graduated this weekend, happy birthday to
            one of our senior members, you dirty old alcoholic
            bastage!, and good luck to those of us who are cramming
            for their final exams) but never-the-less we lost the
            race to a superior rip by our friends at ctp which
            without a doubt would probably have been for the best.
            well, we don't recommend downloading this release
            unless: you're a matrix fanatic (and must have every
            version even if you aren't going to watch it), you hate
            angles, you hate cropping, you're a dirty leech with no
            life and have all the time in the world or if you're
            just simply a tcf member (or affiliate) and want to
            enjoy watching the fruits of your labor... actually
            fuck this, go watch it in the theatre first, then wait
            for a screener/dvdrip, you're going to complain about
            it anyway :) IT'S INTERNAL DUH! BUT WE'RE BORED LAMERS!!
     quote: BUT SHE WASN'T KISSING YOUR FACE MY LOVE! (dang, she's
            fine, not to mention sensual :)...) that concludes our
            5am no sleep rant, enjoy~!
     the chosen few is currently looking for:
           -suppliers of silver pressed vcds or pirated/retail dvds
            from asia/europe (.sg, .my, .hk, .cn, .kr, .uk, etc.),
            suppliers on broadband/lan type preferred.
           -suppliers of screener/promotional vhs and dvds or pre-
            retail dvds. if you or someone you know works at a
            video store, movie review affiliate, dvd distribution
            warehouse, production studio, academy awards/oscar
            staff and/or have some other means of getting your
            hands on screener/retail vhs or dvds ahead of store
            date, contact us now. we will reward you and anyone
            involved in the supply chain with the best the scene
            has to offer including leech sites, bncs and of course
            membership in one of the top groups of the scene. we
            can and WILL block any serial numbers from the source
            if needed. films with unblockable serials will be
            discarded for supplier safety and security.
           -contributers of a pal minidv camcorder for the purpose
            of creating our own telesyncs.
           -legit 100mbit unix boxes in either europe or north
            america for exclusive TCF usage. full access preferred
            (security issue).
           -suppliers of LEGIT hardware. non-usa suppliers only!
           -NO COURIERS/AFFILS NEEDED! so stop applying, jebus! if
            we need you, we'll contact you otherwise you're wasting
            your time.
           -we DO NOT fill rars or requests for methods of obtaining
            ANYTHING! so please stop e-mailing us unless you qualify
            for any of the positions above otherwise it's useless.
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