Driving Miss Daisy *WS* - DVDRIP - DVD-R
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|                                                                              |
)                       Title         > Driving Miss Daisy                     (
)                      Genre          > Drama                                  (
)                     Movie Year      > 1989                                   (
)                    Runtime          > 95 minutes                             (
(                                                                              )
)                   DivX Rls          > 14.03.2002                             (
)                    DVD Rls          > 22.08.1997                             (
(                                                                              )
)                     Audio           > 140 kbps VBR Mp3                       (
)                    Video            > 850 kbps SBC                           (
)                  Framesize          > 544x288                                (
(                                                                              )
)                  Size               > 693 Mb                                 (
)                   Rar files         > 49x15 Mb                               (
(                                                                              )
)                     Supplier        > [DVD-R]                                (
)                      Ripper         > Calimero7                              (
|                                                                              |
|               Imdb info:  http://us.imdb.com/Title?0097239                   |
|             User Rating:  7.3/10 (4486 votes)                                |
|                                 Plot & Cast                                  |
|                                 -----------                                  |
| Who needs films like 'Battlefield: Earth', that rely on huge sets, big       |
| explosions and a lot of yelling, but ultimately have no plot whatsoever?     |
| The best movies are always the character-driven ones; whether it's a dark    |
| saga like 'Se7en', an action movie like 'The Rock' or a quiet little flick   |
| like 'Driving Miss Daisy'.                                                   |
| Seeing this film is comparable to looking through the window of a random     |
| house for 20 years and seeing what goes on. There is no huge storyline, no   |
| invading aliens or terrorists with hydrogen bombs threatening to blow up     |
| the moon. It's the simple story of a stubborn, prejudiced old lady           |
| (Jessica Tandy), who slowly grows to accept and like her assigned driver     |
| (Morgan Freeman). Sounds simple? It is. Sounds boring? It's not. Miss it at  |
| your peril.                                                                  |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|                 Morgan Freeman...             ...Hoke Colburn                |
|                 Jessica Tandy...             ...Daisy Werthan                |
|                 Dan Akroyd...               ...Boolie Werthan                |
|                 Patti LuPone...            ...Florine Werthan                |
|                 Esther Rolle...                     ...Idella                |
|                 Jo Ann Havrilla...         ...Miss McClatchey                |
|                 William Hall Jr. ...                 ...Oscar                |
|                 Alvin M. Sugarman...              ...Dr. Weil                |
|                 Clarice F. Geigerman...              ...Nonie                |
|                 Muriel Moore...                     ...Miriam                |
|                                                                              |
| Winner of 4 Oscars: Best Picture, Best Actress, Best Makeup                  |
|                     and Best Writing.                                        |
|                                                                              |
|                           Release Info & Proper Reason                       |
|                           ----------------------------                       |
|  VCDVault ripped a fs version of this one.                                   |
|  This version is ripped from a R2 dvd that has an ar of 1.85.                |
|                                                                              |
|  Both the image and sound quality of the dvd were a little disappointing.    |
|  VCDVault already mentioned this in their nfo, guess i was not lucky enough  |
|  to find a cleaned up DVD.                                                   |
|  The low res was used to get a better bits/pixel ratio.                      |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|                                 Group Info                                   |
|                                 ----------                                   |
|                            Don't fear the reaper                             |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|                     *** We don't do Pre-release DVDs ***                     |
|                     ********* We don't do dubs *********                     |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|  Looking for: - Some fresh affils (decent DivX rules, other than that,       |
|                 we're not picky)                                             |
|               - Dumps (preferably EU, couple of gigs dedicated hd-space)     |
|                                                                              |
|   Contact us: - [email protected]                                         |
|                                                                              |
|                                  Thanks to                                   |
|                                  ---------                                   |
|                MDX - AEN - PostX - DDX - SChiZO - Collision                  |
|   All the other groups in the DivX-scene bringing quality, Keep'm coming!    |
|                                                                              |
############################################################# By CNileK911 ##"