The Thin Red Line *SVCD* - DVDRIP - Steel
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Release Info
Title:      Thin Red Line, The
Ripper:     SteeL
Date:       03.06.03
Supplier:   STEEL SVCD
Quality:    SVCD DVDRIP
Format:     video: 4 pass vbr 2200 kbps
            audio: 224kbps 
Archive:    57*15 57*15 57*15 
Type        Action / Drama / War 
IMDB Rating 7.1/10(17,611 votes)
Release notes
In World War II, the outcome of the battle of Guadalcanal 
will strongly influence the Japanese's advance into the pacific. 
A group of young soldiers is brought in as a relief for the 
battle-weary Marine units. The exhausting fight for a key-positioned 
airfield that allows control over a 1000-mile radius puts the men 
of the Army Rifle company C-for-Charlie through hell. The horrors of 
war forms the soldiers into a tight-knit group, their emotions develop 
into bonds of love and even family. The reasons for this war get further 
away as the world for the men gets smaller and smaller until their 
fighting is for mere survival and the life of the other men with them.
Sean Penn ....  1st Sgt. Welsh 
Adrien Brody ....  Cpl. Fife 
James Caviezel ....  Pvt. Witt (as Jim Caviezel) 
Ben Chaplin ....  Pvt. Bell 
George Clooney ....  Capt. Bosche 
John Cusack ....  Capt. Gaff 
Woody Harrelson ....  Sgt. Keck 
Elias Koteas ....  Capt. Staros 
Jared Leto ....  2nd Lt. Whyte 
Dash Mihok ....  Pfc. Doll 
Tim Blake Nelson ....  Pvt. Tills 
Nick Nolte ....  Lt. Col. Tall 
John C. Reilly ....  Sgt. Storm 
Larry Romano ....  Pvt. Mazzi 
John Savage ....  Sgt. McCron 
Greetings to: Our friends at Blazesvcd,iRS,CFC,RipCord,Fusion and DPi 
We are curently looking for rippers so If you think you can help contact us :[email protected]