Cradle 2 The Grave *XviD* - DVD SCR - DVL
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Digital Video Labs ° ± ± ÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÛÛÛÜ ±±± ÜÛÛÜÜÛÛÛ Û²±°°°°²ÛÛÛÛÜÜ Û±°°±Û ±±°°° Û²Û±²°°Û ÜßÛÛÛÜÜÜ ÛÜ Û²°°°°°°°°°°²ÛÛÛÛÛ²°°ÛÛ °±° ÛÛ±Û±°°°Û ±±±°²°°Ü±ÛÜÜ Ü²ÛÜ ÛÛ°°ÛÛßßÛÛÛ°°°²ÛÛÛ°°°°Û ±±° Û±°Û°°°°Û °°°±°°±Û²°°²ÛÜÜÜ °°°²ßÛÜÜÜ Û±°Û ßÛÛ°°°²Û±°°°Û ± Û°°Û°°°±ÛÛ °°°°°²°°°°±²°°ÜÛÜ °°±²Û²ÛÜÛÛßÛ²ÜÜÜ Û°²ÛÛ ±±° ÛÛ°°²²Û°°°ÛÛ ± ÛÛ°±ÛÛ±°±°Û °°°±Û±°°°°°°°°²ÛÜ²Ü °°°Û²°±±°°²Û²Ü²Ûß ÛÛ±²Û ±±±° Û²°°°ÛÛ±°±Û Û²±±±Û±±±±Û ²²°Û°°°°°°°°°±Û°°°²ÛÜÜ ²±²Û±°°°²°Û±°°°±Û° Û±±Û ±±±°° ßÛ±±±±Û±±±ÛÛ Û±±±ÛÛ±±±±Û ±ÛܲÛÜÛÛ±°°°°Û°°°°°²²ÜÛ ß²ß²°°°°°²±°°°°±±° Û±±ÛÛ ±±°° Û²±±²ÛÛ±±±Û ÛÛ±²±ÛÛÛ±±±Û ßß ßßßÛ²²±°°°°°±°±° ß۱߰°±Û±°°°°²°° Û²±±Û °° ÛÛ²±±±²Û±±±Û Û±±±²ÛÝÛ±±±Û Cj!iND ÜÜÜ ÛÜ°°°°°°°±° ßßÛÛß±°°°°²Û±° ÛÛ²±ÛÛ ÜÜÛÛ²²±±²ÛÛ²²±Û Û±±²ÛÛ Û±±²ÛÛ ÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛ ßÛ°°°°°°²² ßßßÛÜÛÛß²°² Û²²²ÛÛÛÛ²²²²²²²²ÛÛÛ±²ÛÛÛ²±²Û Û±²²²ÛÛÛÛ²²²²²±Û Û±±°°°² ßßÛßß Û²²²²²²²²²²²²²²ÛÛ Û²²²²²²²ÛÛ Û±²²²²²²²²²²±±²Û ß²Ûܱ° Û±²²²²²²²²²²²²ÛÛß ÛÛ±²²²²²Û ± ÛÛ²²²²²²²²²²²ÛÛÛ ßÛ± ÛÛ±²²²²²²²ÛÛÛßß ±± Û±²²²²ÛÛ ±± Û±²²²²ÛÛÛÛßßß ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛßßß ±°° ÛÛÛßßßß °°± ÛÛÛÛßßß ßß ±±±±° ±°°±° Proudly Presents... ° °° ° ° ° ÛÛ²±° ° [Release Info] ° ° ° ° °±²ÛÛ Û Û Û Cradle.2.The.Grave.DVD.SCREENER.XViD-DVL Û Û Û Û²±° ° °° ° ° ° °±²Û ² ² ± Release Date: 06/08/03 Video Bitrate: ~825kbit xvid ± ° DVD Retail Date: 08/12/03 Audio Quality: ~128kbit vbr mp3 Film Genre: action/crime Video Resolution: 592x256 ° MPEG4 Codec Type: xvid Release Size: 50x15mb ° DVD Runtime: 101mins (r1) Video Framerate: 23.976fps IMDB Rating: 5.3/10 Subtitles: n/a ² ² Û²±°° ° [Theatre Date] ° ° ° °±²Û ² ² ± Theatre date: march 2nd 2003 (2625 screens) ± ° ° Û²±° ° [Plot Summary] ° ° ° °±²Û ² ² ± A jewel thief's daughter is kidnapped after he steals a collection of prized black diamonds, which aren't at all what they seem. ± ² ² Û²±° ° [Cast] ° ° ° ° °±²Û ² ² ± Jet Li .... Su Duncan DMX .... Tony Fait Anthony Anderson (I) .... Tommy Kelly Hu .... Sona Tom Arnold .... Archie ° ± ± ² ² Û²±°° ° [Additional Info] ° ° ° °±²Û ² ² ± stop! drop! shut `em down, open up shop... ooh! noo! that's how the ruff ryderz roll... x didnt give it to us in this film, better luck next time dawg. occassional popup watermarks and a few black & white instances. enjoy! ° ° Û²±°° ° [GROUP NEWS] ° ° ° °±²Û ² ² ± group news... what news? a better question... what group? we don't exist so therefore you can not contact us, if we need you... we'll contact you :) ± irc: #none contact: [email protected] ° ° Û²±° ° °[GREETS]° ° ° °±²Û ² ² ± we want to send a very special thanks to our partners in c***e TCF!! ± ° BooZerS * MaST3rS * ESOTERiC * FFN * AI * ANiMOTiON * pHASE * DcN * TcS ° Û ² ÛÛ²±°° ° ° ° ° °±²Û ² ² ± ± ° °