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                            _\ P O W E R D V D R /_
                           |    _______________    |
                           |    |         ____|__  |           
                ___)\_____ |____:_____   |      _/_|___ _)\___/_
              //_____    /     /_     |  |     /  __  /___   /
           ______| !/   /  !    |     |/\|    /   ___/__ /  _\_______
     __   _\     |      \  |    |\    :  :    \  !     /      /     /_   __
     \ | |       |   ____\ |    | \            \ :    / |     \       | | /
      \| |       |___:||___:    | /__  /\  _____\_____\_|      \_     | |/
         |                 |    |    )/  \(   |    |    |_______/     |
         |     :::   :::   |    |____ _____   |    |___)\___  :::  :: |
         |            _____|   /_    |    _\__|   /_____   /          |
         |            \    |    |    |   \    |    |   /  _\_         |
         |            /   /|    |\   |   /   /|    |        /         |
         |          _/          | \    _/          |  |     \         |
     ____|          \_____  ____| /__  \___________|__|      \_       |__
    |                     )/         )/               |_______/          |
    |                                                                    |
    |               .::    P  O  W  E  R  D  V  D  R    ::.              |
    |                                                                    |
    |                      -:   P r e s e n t s   :-                     |
    |                                                                    |
    |        . x .  Cat Ballou (c) Universal pictures Nordic . x .       |
    |                                                                    |
    |  Packager.......: DrMugg                                           |
    |  Retail Date....: 2003-05-28                                       |
    |  Release Date...: 2003-06-02                                       |
    |  Source.........: DVD Retail                                       |
    |  Genre..........: Western/Comedy                                   |
    |  Type...........: DVD-R PAL                                        |
    |  Format.........: .iso                                             |
    |  RARs...........: 91                                               |
    |  Playtime.......: 97min                                            |
    |  IMDB...........: 6.9/10 (1,377 votes)                             |
    |                                  |
    |  ASPECT & STANDARD     |   AUDIO                                   |
    |                        |                                           | 
    |  [ ] Widescreen        |   [X] English    [X] Dolby Digital 5.1    | 
    |  [X] Anamorphic        |   [ ] Danish     [ ] DTS 6.1              | 
    |  [ ] Letterbox         |   [ ] Norwegian  [ ] Dolby Sorround 2.0   | 
    |  [ ] Fullscreen        |   [ ] Swedish    [ ] Directory Commentary |
    |  [X] PAL   [ ] NTSC    |   [ ] Finnish                             |
    |                        |                                           |
    |  SUBTITLES                                                         |
    |                                                                    |
    |  [X] English       [X] Swedish      [X] Spanish       [X] Dutch    |
    |  [X] Danish        [X] German       [X] Polish        [X] Italia   |
    |  [X] Arabic        [ ] Bulgarian    [X] Czech         [X] Greek    |
    |  [X] Hindi         [ ] Hrvatski     [ ] Magyar        [ ] Russian  |
    |  [ ] Slovenia      [X] Turkish      [ ] Icelandic     [X] Suomi    |
    |  [X] Norwegian     [X] French       [X] Hebrew        [X] Other    |
    |                                                                    |
    |  VIDEO               |  MENU               |  DVD-EXTRAS           |
    |                      |                     |                       |
    |  [X] Untouched       |  [X] Untouched      |  [X] Untouched        |
    |  [ ] Re-Encoded      |  [ ] Stripped       |  [ ] Stripped         |     
    |  Passes  [ ]         |                     |                       |
    |  Bitrate [ ]         |                     |                       |
    |                               __)\__                               |
    |                  _  _  _____\ \ XX / __ __  _  _                   |
    |                               /_* _\ \                             |
    |                                 \/                                 |
     Cat(herine) Balou's family farm is being threatened by the Rail Road. 
     She sends for Kid Shelleen, finding him to be the drunkest gunfighter 
     in the west. When her father is killed by the rail road magnate's 
     gunman, she vowes to fight on. Shelleen manages to ride sideways in 
     several scenes, while minstrels sing the ballad of Cat Ballou in 
     between scenes.

    |:                                                                   |

    |:                                                                   |
    |:                                                                   |
    | Notes.                                                             |
      We Recommend You Burn With Prassi PrimoDVD 
    |                                                                    |
    |                                                                    |
    |                                                                    |
    |                                                                    |
    |                             __/\__                                 |
    |                             \ OO /  /___   __    _  __   _  __ ____|
    |_____ ___   _  _  ___  ___/  /_* _\                                 |
    |                               \/                                  :|
    | Greetings fly out to.                                             :|
    |                                                                    |
    | To All the ppl who's contributing to the dvdr scene in any way!    |
    |                                                                   :|
    |                                                                   :|
    |                                                                    |
    |                                                                    |
    |__                                                                __|
     _/                                                                \_
    |::                                                                  |
    |: Contact.                                                          |
      We at (PWRSVCD/PWRDVDR are currently looking for retail/pre dvd 
      suppliers. We can offer you all the shit you need. So if you think
      you can contribute in any way come talk to us you know where 
      we are at. (if not find us)
    |                                                                    |
    |  TEAM POWERDVDR/SVCD!                                              |
    |                                                                    |
    |  IRC.....:  #*********                                             |
    |  WWW.....:                                       |
    |  E-MAiL..:  dev@null                                               |
    |                                                                    |
    |: Power DVDR will never ever send you files or anything,            |
    |  dont ask if you for some idiotic reason ask anyway                |
    |  we'll nail you to a piece of wood                                 |
    |: and dump you in a lake.                                           |
    |                                                                    |
    |                                                                    |
    |                               __/\__                               |
    |      ______   ____    __  _\  \ XX /  ___   __    _  __   _        |
    |                               /_* _\  \                            |
    |                                 \/                                 |
    :  nfo made by Flimbo, Last updated on 2002-09-23 by Allan.          |
    .                                                                    :