Tsui Harks Vampire Hunters *Lost Race* - DVDRIP - UTi
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°°°±±              . u N D e R . T H e . i N F L u e N C e .             ²²°°°
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°°°²²                                                                    ²²°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°²² ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´      Tsui Hark's Vampire Hunters (2003)      ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ±±°°°
°°°²²                  http://us.imdb.com/Title?0303970                  ±±°°°
°°°±±                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°²² Release :: 06/15/03   ³   Cast ::                                  ±±°°°
°°°±±                       ³                                            ±±°°°
°°°²² Quality :: DVDRip     ³³  Chan Kwok Kwan    ....  Choi             ²²°°°
°°°±±                       ³³  Ken Chang (II)    ....  Hei              ²²°°°
°°°²² Genre :: Horror       ³³  Suet Lam          ....  Kung             ²²°°°
°°°±±                       ³³  Mike Chow Man-Kin ....  Fat              ±±°°°
°°°²² iMDB  :: 5.1/10       ³³  Ji Chun Hua       ....  Master Mao Shan  ±±°°°
°°°±±            (11 votes) ³³  Anya              ....  Sasa             ±±°°°
°°°±±                       ³³  Chan Koon Tai     ....  Zombie Wrangler  ²²°°°
°°°²² iMDB Code :: 0303970  ³³  Zou Na            ....  Ling             ²²°°°
°°°±±                       ³³  Lee Lik Chee      ....  Butler           ²²°°°
°°°²² CDs :: 2CDs           ³³  Wang Zhen Lin     ....  Young Jiang      ²²°°°
°°°±±                       ³³  Wong Yat Fei      ....  Undertaker       ±±°°°
°°°±±  ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ   ³³  Rongguang Yu      ....  Master Jiang     ±±°°°
°°°±±                       ³³                                           ±±°°°
°°°²² Ripper ::             ³³  Plot Overview ::                         ±±°°°
°°°²² UTi                   ³³ Ú                                         ±±°°°
°°°±±                       ³³  When an evil monk awakens a coven of     ±±°°°
°°°²² Supplier ::           ³³  vampires from the grave, a group of      ±±°°°
°°°²² UTi                   ³³  men trained in the magical arts of       ±±°°°
°°°±±                       ³³  Taoist Mao Shan set out to eliminate     ²²°°°
°°°²² Archive Details ::    ³³  the vampires.                            ²²°°°
°°°²² [CD1] = 57 RARs       ³³                                           ²²°°°
°°°²² [CD2] = 57 RARs       ³³                                        Ù  ²²°°°
°°°±±                       ³³                                           ±±°°°
°°°²² Theater Rls Date ::   ³³                                           ±±°°°
°°°²² 05/30/03              ³³                                           ±±°°°
°°°±±                       ³³                                           ±±°°°
°°°²² DVD Rls Date ::       ³³                                           ±±°°°
°°°²² 06/17/03               ³                                           ±±°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ²²°°°
°°°²²  Release Notes ::                                                  ²²°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ²²°°°
°°°±±  Ú                                                                 ±±°°°
°°°±±   Here's another preDVD from your friends at UTi. This time it's a ±±°°°
°°°±±   nice little LiMiTED film from Asia. This is the widescreen       ±±°°°
°°°±±   dubbed version of the movie that's available in a few days.      ±±°°°
°°°±±   We're still working hard an setting-up new suppliers ... and are ±±°°°
°°°±±   still looking for new suppliers =) So, until next time...        ±±°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ²²°°°
°°°²²   Enjoy ;)                                                         ²²°°°
°°°²²                                                                 Ù  ²²°°°
°°°±±                                                                    ²²°°°
°°°±±  Want to help out a dedicated and hardworking crew ?               ²²°°°
°°°²²  Can you ::                                                        ±±°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°²²  1. Supply VCD Silvers, Theater Rips (UK/US, Telesync/Telecine),   ±±°°°
°°°±±     Direct Audio, Pre-Screeners (VHS/DVD), or Pre DVD Retails ?    ±±°°°
°°°±±                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°²²  2. Provide 100/155+mbit *RATED* US/EU sites ?                     ±±°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°²²  3. Supply hardware or private fast shells ?                       ±±°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°²²  If so contact us :: IRC   : #uti-vcd EFNET (closed)               ±±°°°
°°°±±                      Email : [email protected]                   ±±°°°
°°°±±                                                                    ²²°°°
°°°±±                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°±±  UTi would like you to thank the following ::                      ±±°°°
°°°±±                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°±±  cows that go .. moo.                                              ±±°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ²²°°°