In Desert And Wilderness - DVDRIP - OdbC
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     ÉÍÍÍÍÍÄÄÄļ                     Old Dirty Bastards Crew                  ÈÄÄÄÄÄÄÍÍÍÍÍ»
     ll  ÉÄÄÄ»  l                       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                         l  ÉÄÄÄ» ll
      l  ÉÄÄÄ»  l               In Desert And Wilderness (2001) Vision           l  ÉÄÄÄ»  l
      l  ÈÄÄļ  l                     l  ÈÄÄļ  l
      l  ÈÄÄļ  l                                                               l  ÈÄÄļ  l
     º l                                                                                l º
     l l          RELEASE INFORMATION                                                   l l
     l l          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~         l l
     º l                                                                                l º
       l                   Format...............DivX-DVD Rip SBC                        l
       l                   DiVX Release Date.........2002/03/20                         l
       l                                                                                l
       l   Ripper............OdbC TeaM       º|º    Tester............Odbc TeaM         l
       l   Resolution..........640x272       º|º    No.Of Disk.......2 x CD             l
       l   Compr Audio.........128 kbps      º|º    Compr Video......1500 kbps          l
       l                                     º|º                                        l
       l   PL Theater Release..2001/July     º|º    DVD Release R2......2002/March      l
     l l                                     º|º                                        l l
     º l                                     º|º                                        l º
     º l                                                                                l º
     l l          MOVIE NOTES                                                           l l
     l l          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~         l l
     º l                                                                                l º
       l                                                                                l
       l   LANGUAGE     : English                                                       l
       l                                                                                l
       l   SUBTITLE     :                                                               l
       l                                                                                l
       l   MOVIE TYPE   : Drama, Adventure                                              l
       l                                                                                l
       l   MOVIE TIME   : 110 min                                                       l
       l                                                                                l
       l   MOVIE RATING : 7.7/10 iMDb                                                   l
       l                                                                                l
       l   DIRECTED BY  : Gavin Hood (I)                                                l
       l                                                                                l
       l    Fourteen year old Polish boy Stas Tarkowski and eight year old Nel Rawlison l
       l    from England are kidnapped as the hostages by Arabic fanatics and taken to  l 
       l    their religion leader.Then they manage to escape and try to return to their l 
       l    fathers. Children have a lot of dangerous adventures, meet two Black kids;  l
       l    Kali and Mea, who also help them, make a friendship with an elephant and    l
       l    help one Black's tribe. Finally they manage to return. Based on great       l
       l    novel, the same title by Nobel receiver (for all his literary output)       l
       l    Henryk Sienkiewicz.                                                         l
       l                                                                                l
       l          CAST OVERVIEW                                                         l
       l          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~         l
       l                                                                                l
       l          Adam Fidusiewicz ....  Stas                                           l
       l          Karolina Sawka ....  Nel                                              l
       l          Artur Zmijewski ....  Mr. Wladyslaw Tarkowski                         l 
       l          Andrzej Strzelecki ....  Mr. Rawlison                                 l
       l          Krzysztof Kowalewski ....  Greek Kalioupoli                           l
       l          Agnieszka Pilaszewska ....  Madame Olivier                            l 
       l          Krzysztof Kolberger ....  Linde                                       l
       l          Konrad Imiela ....  Chamis                                            l
       l          Lingile Shongwe ....  Mea                                             l
       l          Mzwandile Ngubeni ....  Kali                                          l 
       l                                                                                l
       l                                                                                l
     º l                                                                                l º
     º l                                                                                l º
     º l                                                                                l º
                 º                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                    º
                 l                                                             l
                 l  We are a new Release Team! If you think you are a good     l
                 l  suppiler/ripper (shell box owner are wlecome) you can      l
                 l  contact us at this e-mail:                                 l
                 l  [email protected]                                          l
                 º                                                             º
                 º                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                    º
                 l                                                             l
                 l Greetz: SiLENCE, PoLisO, TML, TRl, EXEcutors,  VCDVaULT,    l
                 l DivXCZ, MEDiAMANiACS, Vite and all our friends ...          l
                 º                                                             º
     º l                                                           nfo by michelle@OdbC l º