Saviour of the Soul - DVDRIP - DVD-R
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|                                                                              |
)                  Title         > Saviour of the soul (Gauyat sandiu haplui)  (
)                      Genre          > Action / Fantasy / Comedy / Romance    (
)                     Movie Year      > 1992                                   (
)                    Runtime          > 92 minutes                             (
(                                                                              )
)                   DivX Rls          > 20.03.2002                             (
)                    DVD Rls          > 25.01.2000                             (
(                                                                              )
)                     Audio           > 96-160 kbps VBR Mp3                    (
)                    Video            > 890 kbps SBC                           (
)                  Framesize          > 608x352                                (
(                                                                              )
(                   Subtitles         > English subpack included               )
)                                                                              (
)                  Size               > 701 Mb                                 (
)                   Rar files         > 50x15 Mb                               (
(                                                                              )
)                     Supplier        > [DVD-R]                                (
)                      Ripper         > CNileK911                              (
|                                                                              |
|               Imdb info:                   |
|             User Rating:  6.3/10 (90 votes)                                  |
|                                 Plot & Cast                                  |
|                                 -----------                                  |
| Ching, Chuen and Kwan are famous mercenaries. They are good friends, as well |
| as the constituents of a love triangle. Kwan kills Silver Fox's good friend, |
| and the Fox seeks vengeance on her. On one occasion, Silver Fox kills Chuen, |
| but is wounded by Kwan. Kwan knowing that Fox wants revenge but not wishing  |
| to involve Ching, silently departs. She shows up one year later, severely    |
| poisoned by a spell to which only Madam Pet has the antidote. But Ching has  |
| antagonized Madam Pet, and to make things worse, Silver Fox is following     |
| Kwan like a shadow, endangering all of their lives.                          |
|                                                                              |
|                        Andy Lau...           ...Ching                        |
|                        Anita Mui...   ...Yiu May-kwan                        |
|                        Aaron Kwok...    ...Silver Fox                        |
|                        Kenny Bee...      ...Siu Chuen                        |
|                        Gloria Yip...     ...Wai Heung                        |
|                        Carina Lau...      ...Pet Lady                        |
|                                                                              |
|                  Directed by...             ...David Lai                     |
|                                            ...Corey Yuen                     |
|                                                                              |
|                  Writing credits...      ...Kar-Wai Wong                     |
|                                                                              |
|                               Release Info                                   |
|                               ------------                                   |
| Written by Wong Kar-Wai, but directed, rather unfortunately, by Corey Yuen.  |
|                                                                              |
| Amusing movie, hilarious at times. Quite corny and stupid at others,         |
| but hey, you can't have it all (for 40HK$ ;)                                 |
|                                                                              |
| Recommended to all Wong Kar-wai fans (his movies are hard to come by, so     |
| get them while you can :), always nice to see where the masters come from :D |
|                                                                              |
| Fallen Angels coming up this week, keep in that dribble!                     |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|                                 Group Info                                   |
|                                 ----------                                   |
|                            Don't fear the reaper                             |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|                     *** We don't do Pre-release DVDs ***                     |
|                     ********* We don't do dubs *********                     |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|  Looking for: - Some fresh affils (decent DivX rules, other than that,       |
|                 we're not picky, anime would be nice as well)                |
|               - Dumps (preferably EU, couple of gigs dedicated hd-space)     |
|               - Subchecker m/f, fluent engrish/english is a must,            |
|                 japanese/chinese(cantonese) a plus.                          |
|                                                                              |
|   Contact us: - [email protected]                                         |
|                                                                              |
|                                  Thanks to                                   |
|                                  ---------                                   |
|                MDX - AEN - PostX - DDX - SChiZO - Collision                  |
|   All the other groups in the DivX-scene bringing quality, Keep'm coming!    |
|                                                                              |
############################################################# By CNileK911 ##"