Link - DVDRIP - T4L
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          Û²±°                                                     °±²Û ²Ý
          Û±                     INFORMATiON                         ±Û ²Ý
          Û°                                                         °Û ²Ý
          Û    TiTLE..........: Silver Bullet                         Û ²Ý
          Û    RELEASED.......: 07/06/03                              Û ²Ý
          Û    Res............: 512x384                               Û ²Ý
          Û    Audio..........: 128 kbps                              Û ²Ý 
          Û    Video..........: 812 bitrate                           Û ²Ý 
          Û    iMDB RATiNG....: 4.4/10 (198 votes)                    Û ²Ý
          Û    iMFB URL.......:      Û ²Ý
          Û    GENRE..........: Horror/Thriller                       Û ²Ý
          Û    FORMAT.........: XviD                                  Û ²Ý
          Û    RUNNiNG TiME...: 103 MiNUTES                           Û ²Ý
          Û    SiZE...........: CD1=49x15mB                           Û ²Ý
          Û                                                           Û ²Ý    
          Û                                                           Û ²Ý
          Û    RELEASE NOTES..: None                                  Û ²Ý
          Û²±°                                                     °±²²Ý²Ý
          Û²±°                                                     °±²Û ²Ý
          Û±                          PLOT                           ±Û ²Ý
          Û                                                           Û ²Ý
          Û Jane Chase (Elisabeth Shue) is an American student        Û ²Ý
          Û studying  abroad in England who decides to take on a job  Û ²Ý
          Û as an assistant to a zoology professor named Stephen      Û ²Ý
          Û Phillip (Terence Stamp). Moving into Dr.Phillip’s         Û ²Ý
          Û secluded mountain manor/lab, Jane quickly meets up with a Û ²Ý
          Û trio of trained apes that the good doctor has kept on     Û ²Ý 
          Û hand for intelligence and behavior testing: two chimps    Û ²Ý
          Û named Imp and Voodoo, and an elderly ex-circus orangutan  Û ²Ý
          Û named Link. Dr. Phillip gives Jane a series of set-in-    Û ²Ý
          Û stone rules that she must follow when dealing with the    Û ²Ý
          Û apes and those rules get put to the test when Dr. Phillip Û ²Ý 
          Û ends up missing and the young student finds Voodoo dead   Û ²Ý  
          Û in a cabinet. Trapped out in the middle of nowhere with   Û ²Ý 
          Û no means of communicating with the outside world, Jane    Û ²Ý
          Û discovers that Link has grown bitter about his servitude  Û ²Ý
          Û to Dr. Phillip and has also become unnaturally attached   Û ²Ý  
          Û to her in the few short days she has been there. Soon,    Û ²Ý
          Û the orangutan is using its years of human-like behavior   Û ²Ý
          Û training and strength to torment Jane, as it stalks her   Û ²Ý
          Û through the halls of the empty Phillip house.             Û ²Ý
          Û                                                          °²ÞÝÝ
          Û±                                                         ±Û²²Ý
          Û²±°                                                     °±²²Ý²Ý
          Û²±°                                                     °±²Û ²Ý
          Û±                     WANT TO JOiN?                       ±Û ²Ý
          Û°                                                         °Û ²Ý
          Û                                                          °Û ²Ý
          Û    Experienced Rippers with Fast Upload                   Û°²Ý
          Û    10/100mbit+ EU,US and Asian affils (bbb welcome)       Û°²Ý
          Û    Dedicated 10mbit+ Group Usage (bbb welcome)            Û°²Ý
          Û    suppliers of hardware                                  Û°²Ý
          Û    suppliers of unreleased dvds                           Û°²Ý
          Û    suppliers of pre store dvd's                           Û°²Ý
          Û    suppliers of dvd silvers                               Û°²Ý
          Û    suppliers of Screener tapes                            Û°²Ý  
          Û    Bnc suppliers                                          Û°²Ý
          Û                                                           Û°²Ý
          Û    Anything else feel free to contact us.                 Û°²Ý 
          Û    irc: None at this time                                  Û°Þ°
          Û    e-mail: [email protected]                               Û°²Ý
          Û°                                                         °²ÞÝÝ
          Û±                                                         ±Û²²Ý
          Û²±°                                                     °±²²Ý²Ý
          Û²±°                                                     °±²Û Þ°
          Û±           GREETS.... Pv,btb,ApL,SLeTDiVX,GZP,CFE,STi,    ±Û°²
          Û°           W4E,TZC,LnR and to all siteops on affil sites. ±Û°²
          Û°                                                          °²ÞÝ
          Û²±°                                                       °±²²Ý