Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde *INTERNAL* - CAM - UTi
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°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°ÛÚ        Û²°ÛÚ                  Û²°ÛÚ           Û²°°°°°°°°
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°°°±±              . u N D e R . T H e . i N F L u e N C e .             ²²°°°
°°°±±                                                                    ²²°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ²²°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°²² ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde (2003) ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ±±°°°
°°°²²                          ±±°°°
°°°±±                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°±± Release :: 07/10/03   ³   Cast ::                                  ±±°°°
°°°±±                       ³                                            ±±°°°
°°°±± Quality :: CAM        ³³  Reese Witherspoon ....  Elle Woods       ²²°°°
°°°±±                       ³³  Sally Field       ....  Victoria Rudd    ²²°°°
°°°±± Genre :: Comedy       ³³  Regina King       ....  Grace Rossiter   ²²°°°
°°°²²                       ³³  Jennifer Coolidge ....  Paulette         ±±°°°
°°°²² iMDB  :: 4.9/10       ³³  Bruce McGill      ....  Stanford Marks   ±±°°°
°°°²²           (689 votes) ³³  Dana Ivey         ....  Libby Hauser     ±±°°°
°°°±±                       ³³  Mary Lynn Rajskub ....  Reena Giuliani   ²²°°°
°°°±± iMDB Code :: 0333780  ³³  Jessica Cauffiel  ....  Margot           ²²°°°
°°°²²                       ³³  Alanna Ubach      ....  Serena McGuire   ²²°°°
°°°²² CDs :: 2CDs           ³³  J Barton          ....  Timothy McGinn   ²²°°°
°°°²²                       ³³  Stanley Anderson  ....  Michael Blaine   ±±°°°
°°°²²  ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ   ³³  Bruce Thomas (I)  ....  UPS Guy          ±±°°°
°°°±±                       ³³                                           ±±°°°
°°°±± Ripper ::             ³³  Plot Overview ::                         ±±°°°
°°°±± UTi                   ³³ Ú                                         ±±°°°
°°°±±                       ³³  Sassy postgrad Elle Woods                ±±°°°
°°°²² Supplier ::           ³³  (Witherspoon) is all about animal        ±±°°°
°°°²² UTi                   ³³  rights. In fact, she puts her nuptial    ±±°°°
°°°±±                       ³³  plans on hold to head to Washington      ±±°°°
°°°²² Archive Details ::    ³³  D.C. to get an anti-animal testing       ±±°°°
°°°²² [CD1] = 56 RARs       ³³  bill passed. Her building's doorman      ±±°°°
°°°²² [CD2] = 56 RARs       ³³  (Newhart) quickly shows her the ways     ±±°°°
°°°±±                       ³³  and workings of our nation's capital.    ±±°°°
°°°²² Theater Rls Date ::   ³³                                        Ù  ±±°°°
°°°²² 07/02/03              ³³                                           ±±°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ²²°°°
°°°²²  Release Notes ::                                                  ²²°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ²²°°°
°°°±±  Ú                                                                 ±±°°°
°°°±±   Well, NOX released an iNTERNAL and TGF's had mono............... ±±°°°
°°°±±   sound. lol. Props to both groups on their fast releases, they    ±±°°°
°°°±±   both look nice. Here is a good quality UTi CAM for all of you    ±±°°°
°°°±±   blondes and other people to enjoy. The cammer is focusing the    ±±°°°
°°°±±   cam in the first minute, nothing lost. We waited too long to     ±±°°°
°°°±±   release this and Centropy came out with their TS. Here's an      ±±°°°
°°°±±   iNTERNAL for the fans.                                           ±±°°°
°°°±±                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°±±   We are currently looking for people with theater access and/or   ±±°°°
°°°±±   people who have access to direct sound. People with other        ±±°°°
°°°±±   sources like DVDs and SCRs and WPs are welcome too I guess...    ±±°°°
°°°±±   lol ;p. So until next time...                                    ±±°°°
°°°±±                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°±±   Enjoy ;p                                                         ±±°°°
°°°²²                                                                 Ù  ²²°°°
°°°±±                                                                    ²²°°°
°°°±±  Want to help out a dedicated and hardworking crew ?               ²²°°°
°°°²²  Can you ::                                                        ±±°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°²²  1. Supply VCD Silvers, Theater Rips (UK/US, Telesync/Telecine),   ±±°°°
°°°±±     Direct Audio, Pre-Screeners (VHS/DVD), or Pre DVD Retails ?    ±±°°°
°°°±±                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°²²  2. Provide 100/155 mbit 2tb+ RATED EU/US sites ?                  ±±°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°²²  3. Supply hardware or private fast shells ?                       ±±°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°²²  If so contact us :: IRC   : #uti-vcd EFNET (closed)               ±±°°°
°°°±±                      Email : [email protected]                   ±±°°°
°°°±±                                                                    ²²°°°
°°°±±                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°±±  UTi would like to give a shout out to:                            ±±°°°
°°°±±                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°±±  ALMIGHTY UNKNOWNS from WALK TOWN                                  ±±°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ²²°°°