Better Living Through Circuitry *DOCUMENTARY* - DVDRIP - SChiZO
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°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°° °°° °°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°° °°° °°° °°° °°° °°° °°° °°° °°° °°° °°° °°° °°° °°° °°° °°° ±±± ±±± °°° ±±± ±±± ±±± ±±±±±±±± ±±± ±±±±±±±±± ±±± ±±± ±±± ±±± ±±± ±±± ±±± ±±± ±±± ±±± ±±± ±±± ²²² ²²² ²²² ²²² ²²² ²²² ²²² ²²² ²²² ²²² ²²² ²²² ²²² ²²² ²²² ²²² ²²² ²²² ²²²²²²²² ²²²²²²²² ²²² ²²² ²²² ²²²²²²²²² ²²²²²²²² ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² °±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±° ²± Better Living Through Circuitry (2000) ±² °±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±° ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² °±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±° °² Movie Information ²° °±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±° Genre : Documentary Theatre Release : January 1, 1999 DVD Release Date : November 21, 2000 SChiZO Release : March 24, 2002 Runtime : 85 Minutes IMDB URL : IMDB Rating : 6.6/10 Director : Jon Reiss Plot Summary : Film inspired by the electronic dance community and the culture it has produced. A cross-section of the electronic subculture is represented as ravers, DJs, and musicians speak for themselves about their musical ideals. Feat: DJ Spooky, Crystal Method, DJ Keoki & Roni Size. ±Û²ÛÛÛ±²²² ²²²±ÛÛÛ²Û± °±±Û±±±Û²Û²±°°°°°°² Release Information ²°°°°°°±²Û²Û±±±Û±±° ²ÛÛÛÛ±²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²ÛÛ²²²Û°=============================°Û²²²ÛÛ²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²±ÛÛÛÛ² °ß±±±±²°²°°²°²²²²°°²° CD 1: 667MB | CD 2: ???MB °²°°²²²²°²°°²°²±±±±ß° °ß± RARs: 35x20MB | RARs: 3?x20MB ±ß° °=============================================================° A.R/Res. : 4:3, 512 x 384 Video : SBC DivX 3.11a @ 941Kbps Framerate : 29.970 Audio : VBR Stereo 48KHz MP3 @ 123Kbps Language : English Subtitles : no RIPPER NOTES: Okay folks. This movie is a documentary recorded in DV format. The framerate is correct since the movie was not telecined. The high motion of this movie, along with the high framerate made this movie very very hard to rip. The quality is the best I could get it on 1 CD. Watch for a 2CD AC3 5.1 internal within the next few weeks. If You were in to the rave scene a few years back this will hit home quite hard. If not, sit back and laugh at all us ravers. ;) GROUP NOTES: If you are a skilled SVCD ripper with taste in good classic films or avante-garde cinema, contact someone in the group for a possible opening. GREETS GO OUT TO OUR FRIENDS IN: MDX + VCDVaULT + RGB + DVD-R + aNBc + WiDE + TNL ±±±ÛÛÛÛ²Û²±²²²²ÛÛÛÛ²ÛÛ²Û°============================°Û²ÛÛ²ÛÛÛÛ²²²²±²Û²ÛÛÛÛ±±±± °°ÛÛÛ²ßÛÛÛÛÛÛß°°±Û±ß°²²°° °°²²°ß±Û±°°ßÛÛÛÛÛÛß²ÛÛÛ°° Û²ÛÛ²ÛÛßßß² SChiZO: Quality over Quantity in 2002 ²ßßßÛÛ²ÛÛ²Û °²°°°° °°°°²°