Alien 9 OVA 01 *Subbed* *SVCD * - DVDRIP - SD-6
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    $$                                  ...presents another solid release    $$
    $$                                                                       $$
    $$                                                                       $$
    $$         Anime Feature : Alien 9 OVA ep01                              $$
    $$                 Genre : Sci Fi / Comedy                               $$
    $$                Source : R1 DVD                                        $$
    $$        Feature Length : 27:39                                         $$
    $$          Release Date : 07/20/03                                      $$
    $$        Number of Rars : 40 * 15mb                                     $$
    $$                 Audio : Japanese w/ English Subs (224 kbps)           $$
    $$                 Video : SVCD                                          $$
    $$                                                                       $$
    $$Qggggggggggggggggggggggggg*     Summary     *gggggggggggggggggggggggggQ$$
    $$;"""""""""""""""""""""""""                   """"""""""""""""""""""""";$$
    $$                                                                       $$
    $$  Based on the manga created by Hitoshi Tomizawa, this exceptional OVA $$
    $$  series features an intriguing story and a striking style where the   $$
    $$  cute and grotesque collide!                                          $$
    $$  Yuri is totally bummed. She just started 6th grade and has been      $$
    $$  elected to capture and eliminate the aliens that are constantly      $$
    $$  invading the school...maybe this job wouldn't be too bad, except it  $$
    $$  includes wearing gross symbiotic alien helmets that survive by eating$$
    $$  the waste material produced from its host body. Yuck!                $$
    $$  Yuri may be scared of her new position, but she isn't alone. To help $$
    $$  her is the energetic Kasumi and the serious Kumi who both volunteered$$
    $$  for their positions in this strange alien party. But why would the   $$
    $$  the school send 6th graders to fight the alien menace? and will their$$
    $$  borgs be enough to help them win?!                                   $$
    $$                                                                       $$
    $$Qggggggggggggggggggggggggg*     Release     *gggggggggggggggggggggggggQ$$
    $$;"""""""""""""""""""""""""       Notes       """"""""""""""""""""""""";$$
    $$                                                                       $$
    $$  Enjoy this Excellent Anime OVA!                                      $$
    $$                                                                       $$
    $$                                                                       $$
    $$Qggggggggggggggggggggggggg*    Group News   *gggggggggggggggggggggggggQ$$
    $$;"""""""""""""""""""""""""                   """"""""""""""""""""""""";$$
    $$                                                                       $$
    $$   Looking for:                                                        $$
    $$   -Anyone who has access to anime dvds before stores.                 $$
    $$   -Anyone who has access to Mainstream DVDs before stores.            $$
    $$   -Additional Japanese Translators for Fansubbing                     $$
    $$   -Pre-store DVD Suppliers (Of All Kinds)                             $$
    $$   -Hardware Suppliers (HDs, ram, CPUs etc)                            $$
    $$                                                                       $$
    $$    Contact: [email protected]                                      $$
    $$                                                                       $$
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