The Black Cauldron *SVCD* - DVDRIP - Steel
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Release Info
Title:      Black Cauldron, The		
Ripper:     SteeL
Date:       29.07.03
Supplier:   STEEL SVCD
Quality:    SVCD DVDRIP
Format:     video: 4 pass vbr 2000 AVR kbps
            audio: 224kbps 
Archive:    57*15 46*15
Type        Fantasy / Animation / Family
IMDB Rating 6.1/10 (1,302 votes)
runtime:    80 minutes
Release notes
Centuries ago, in the land of Prydain, a young man named, Taran is given the task of protecting 
Hen Wen, a magical oracular pig, who knows the location of the mystical black cauldron. This is 
not an easy task fot The Evil Horned King will stop at nothing to get the cauldron.
Grant Bardsley ....  Taran (voice) 
Susan Sheridan ....  Eilonwy (voice) 
Freddie Jones ....  Dallben (voice) 
Nigel Hawthorne ....  Fflewddur Fflam (voice) 
Arthur Malet ....  King Eidilleg (voice) 
John Byner ....  Gurgi/Doli (voice) 
Eda Reiss Merin ....  Orddu (voice) 
Adele Malis-Morey ....  Orwen (voice) 
Billie Hayes ....  Orgoch (voice) 
John Hurt ....  Horned King (voice) 
Phil Fondacaro ....  Creeper/henchman (voice) 
John Huston ....  Narrator (voice) 
Lindsay Rich ....  Fairfolk (voice) 
Brandon Call ....  Fairfolk (voice) 
Gregory Levinson ....  Fairfolk (voice) 

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