Batman And Robin *WS* *SVCD* - DVDRIP - Steel
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Release Info
Title:      Batman & Robin 		
Ripper:     SteeL
Date:       11.08.03
Supplier:   STEEL SVCD
Quality:    SVCD DVDRIP
Format:     video: 4 pass vbr 2000 AVR kbps
            audio: 224kbps 
Archive:    57*15 57*15
Type        Action / Adventure
IMDB Rating 3.6/10 (19,986 votes)
runtime:    125 minutes
Release notes
Mr. Freeze plans on taking Gotham City hostage by freezing the town into a permanent winter. 
In the meantime, a new seductive villainous, Poison Ivy, has appeared to cause a rift in the 
partnership of Batman & Robin. While all this is happening, faithful butler Alfred is dying. 
Mr. Freeze holds the key to save his life. Enter Batgirl to help save the day.
Arnold Schwarzenegger ....  Mr. Freeze/Dr. Victor Fries 
George Clooney ....  Batman/Bruce Wayne 
Chris O'Donnell ....  Robin (Dick Grayson) 
Uma Thurman ....  Poison Ivy/Dr. Pamela Isley 
Alicia Silverstone ....  Batgirl/Barbara Wilson 
Michael Gough ....  Alfred Pennyworth 
Pat Hingle ....  Commissioner Gordon 
John Glover ....  Dr. Jason Woodrue 
Elle Macpherson ....  Julie Madison 
Vivica A. Fox ....  Ms. B. Haven 
Vendela Kirsebom ....  Nora Fries (as Vendela K. Thommessen) 
Elizabeth Sanders ....  Gossip Gerty 
Jeep Swenson ....  Bane 
John Fink ....  Aztec Museum Guard 
Michael Reid MacKay 
Greetings to all in the ripping scene...
We are curently looking for rippers and 10mbit and 100mbit sites
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