Office Space *Bad Framerate* *Dupe* - DVDRIP - VCDWS
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` ' ` . ' .as. . ` `*' ` ,aSSs,aSss,. ,aSSSlls. '* ` ,aSSs, ` . ` ` . ,aSEyyESSSSSSSllSSs,. .,aSSSSEySll. ` ,aSSSSllSs,. `*' ,SS',ay,Sy' `ySy `sEy' `ylS. ` .SSy'`ySy' ` .,aSa. ,aSS','.y',sSs. .,aSSs. .,aSa. !Ss ,S!',ay ,sSs. ` `ySa. !S!',Sy ,sSSyySSs. `ySSyySs `ySa.`S! ,SS',' sSSy.ySs. ` ySs`!Sa `S',SS',sSSy' `ySSs `!S. ySs. `!Sa S' . !SS',Sy ,sSSy,S.ySs, yS,`S. y,SS' sSSy'.Ss `ySs .`Ss `ySs `S.` ,s.`S',SS' !SS.y` dSSy ` .SS SSa !Sy ,SSy ,SSS! `Sy',S SS.`.`ySs SSa aS! ! !Sy .`ySSs.`Sy .a !SS !S ,SS' !SSb !SSSSs, SS !Ss Ss `Ss !S ,SSS.`,SS'.Ss `ySSs. ySS yS ;SP,aS' .`SSa.`SSSEy ,a.yS!`SS SS',aSS ;SP,aS'Ss.aS! Sy,aS.`ySSs yS ySs, ` !SbSS',aS.ySSa. yS ,aS y !S! y',aSS' !SbSS' !SdSS' .sSP Ss SS!.S `Sls. ,SSSSy,aSls.ySSa. ,aSSy'. ,SS' .,aSy' ,SSSSy. `SSSS , ySSb y aSSy'aS ,aSSSy ,SSSS',aSSlls.`ySSaaSSy'aS ,SSSaSSS' ,SSSS',Ss !SSy,aS.ySSa.aSSy'aS! !llS'.,a$Sy',aSSSySlls.`y$y'aS.,aSS$$$Sy' .,a$Sy',alS.`S',aSls,`ySy',aSS' `Slls,,.,,aSSSy' `SSlls,.,aSSSss,......s,. .,,aSSEls,aSSE'lls,.,aSSSy ySSllSSSSSSSy' `ySSlllSSSSySSSSSSSSllSSSSSSSSSSEy yESSSE' ySllSSSSSSy' ` `yESSSSSEy' . '*' `yESEy' ``yESSSSSSSEy'' .* y `. `yESSSEy' . ` ` ' . . ' ' . U U U I The VCD Workshop Presents: U U U U I Office Space *FS* I U U IIIIIII U U UIEIIIIII IIIIIIEI U EIIEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEII U IIU I Release Information I AI1 U IIIIIII U : genre: Comedy size: 2 cds-80min U source: Dvd disc1/2: 52/50 rars type/format: Svcd/Mpeg2 imdb rating: 7.5/10 3 runtime: 89 mins release date: Aug 09 2003 3 : screen: no/subtitles theatrical rel: Feb 19 1999 3 3 rated: R dvd storedate: Aug 27 2002 3 3 3 I Video / Audio I EI 3 IIIIIII II V-encoder: TmpGenc A-encoder: toolame AI bitrate: 2 pass VBR bitrate: 224 : AI min avg max: 1150/2380/2520 khz: 44.1 II resolution: 480x480 channels: 2/stereo AI frames/ps: 29.76 imaged: vcdimager 3 multiplexed: bbmpeg 3 U 3 : U 3 U II UI1 U IIIEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEII U AIEIIIIII I Storyline I IIIIIIEIU U U U U Comedic tale of company workers who hate their jobs and decide to U U rebel against their greedy boss. U U U U U U U U U U U U U U I starring: Ron Livingston, Jennifer Aniston U U U U U U I usimdb url: U U U U U U U U I Release Notes: U U U U U U U U I Group Greets and Shouts: EViLiSO DVNVCD TcS DEViANCE BamVcd U U MBvCD and all others who make the SVCD scene possible,.. U U U U U ᚚᚚ .o nfo by N o.