Finding Nemo *NTSC* *Patch* - DVDRIP - iND
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Finding.Nemo.DVDR-REiGN.Patch-iND 08/21/03 Hey it's joe-iND here again with another patch!! Sheesh! I waited this long cause I thought someone else out there could fix this other then myself. Or even *SNICKER* REiGN would fix their crap. Congrats to REiGN on the early pre, but damn .... True the video was untouched but everything else was hosed. This was some sort of insta-rip. How can I tell? Good Question. 1. The menu had 29 mpg2 (pgc) files in it. 29!! Think they recoded all those by hand? And have it out that fast? Don't think so. And 1 Pass at that. 2. They admitted to recoding the menu, true... but thats a no-no according to the scene. 3. They had checked 2 settings in the movie pan&scan and letterbox (tisk tisk), should be only 1 checked. So thats what I've fixed here. All 5 DVD players I played it on all set the default to pan&scan. Someone told me theirs played ok on a 16:9 TV, so not everyone may want this patch, just us poorfoke with 4:3 TVs. Installation Notes: ------------------- UnRAR to where fine-dvdr.img is run itsfinddumbass.bat Burn find-dvdr.img normally Welp see you guys on the next n00b rip I come accross that needs patched. Enjoy. joe-iND