The Princess Bride *NTSC* - DVDRIP - Steel
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Title:		Princess Bride, The
Year of film:	1987
Pre Date:	26 August 2003
Length:		98 minutes
IMDB Rating:	8.2/10 (39,062 votes)
Menu:		yes
Audio:		English
Subtitles:	none	
Etra's:		NO
Dir name:		The.Princess.Bride.1987.DVDR.NTSC-SteeL
File name:		steel-princessbride.part0??.rar
number od rar's:	93 x 50MB (4.23GIG)
Sample Size:		35MB	
A kindly grandfather sits down with his grandson and reads him a bedtime story. 
The story is one that has been passed down through from father to son for generations. 
As the grandfather reads the story, the action comes alive. The story is a classic tale 
of love and adventure as the beautiful Buttercup is kidnapped and held against her will 
in order to marry the odious Prince Humperdinck, and Westley (her childhood beau, now 
returned as the Dread Pirate Roberts) attempts to save her. On the way he meets an 
accomplished swordsman and a huge, super strong giant, both of whom become his companions 
in his quest. They meet a few bad guys along the way to rescue Buttercup
Cary Elwes ....  Westley 
Mandy Patinkin ....  Inigo Montoya 
Chris Sarandon ....  Prince Humperdinck 
Christopher Guest ....  Count Tyrone Rugen 
Wallace Shawn ....  Vizzini 
André the Giant ....  Fezzik (as Andre the Giant) 
Fred Savage ....  The Grandson 
Robin Wright Penn ....  Buttercup/The Princess Bride (as Robin Wright) 
Peter Falk ....  The Grandfather 
Peter Cook ....  The Impressive Clergyman 
Mel Smith ....  The Albino 
Carol Kane ....  Valerie 
Billy Crystal ....  Miracle Max 
Anne Dyson ....  The Queen 
Margery Mason ....  The Ancient Booer 
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