My Cousin Vinny *SVCD* - DVDRIP - Steel
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Release Info
Title:      My Cousin Vinny 		
Ripper:     SteeL
Date:       28.08.03
Supplier:   STEEL SVCD
Quality:    SVCD DVDRIP
Format:     video: 4 pass vbr 2000 AVR kbps
            audio: 224kbps 
Archive:    57*15 57*15
Type        Comedy 
IMDB Rating 7.1/10 (7,794 votes) 
runtime:    120 minutes
Release notes
Two teenage boys from New York are travelling down south when a series of 
coincidences lands them in jail charged with first degree murder. They can't 
afford the $50K for an attorney so they call the lawyer cousin of one of the 
boys. Vinny is a stereotypical New Yorker who is initially a complete disaster, 
but can he get them off the hook ?
Joe Pesci ....  Vincent Gambini 
Ralph Macchio ....  Billy Gambini 
Marisa Tomei ....  Mona Lisa Vito 
Mitchell Whitfield ....  Stan Rothenstein 
Fred Gwynne ....  Judge Chamberlain Haller 
Lane Smith (I) ....  D.A. Jim Trotter, III 
Austin Pendleton ....  John Gibbons 
Bruce McGill ....  Sheriff Dean Farley 
Maury Chaykin ....  Sam Tipton 
Paulene Myers ....  Constance Riley (as Pauline Meyers) 
Raynor Scheine ....  Ernie Crane (as Raynor Scheine) 
James Rebhorn ....  George Wilbur 
Chris Ellis (I) ....  J.T. 
Michael Simpson (III) ....  Neckbrace 
Lou Walker ....  Grits Cook 
Greetings to all in the ripping scene...
We are curently looking for rippers and 10mbit and 100mbit sites
so If you think you can help contact us :[email protected]