Eight Crazy Nights *XViD* - DVDRIP - DVL
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           Digital Video Labs
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                     UUUUUUUßßß    ±°° UUUßßßß °°± UUUUßßß
                      ßß         ±±±±°        ±°°±°      Proudly Presents...
                                °    °°      °   °
  UU²±° ° [Release Info] °  °                                      °  ° °±²UU
  U                                                                         U
  U                   Eight.Crazy.Nights.DVDRip.XViD-DVL                    U
  U                                                                         U
  U²±° °  °°   °                                                    °  ° °±²U
  ²                                                                         ²
  ±  Release Date:     10/04/03        Video Bitrate:    ~1146kbit XViD     ±
  °  DVD Retail Date:  11/04/03        Audio Quality:    ~128kbit VBR MP3
     Film Genre:   Animation/Comedy    Video Resolution: 592x320            °
     MPEG4 Codec Type: XViD            Release Size:     49x15Mb
  °  DVD Runtime:      86Mins (R1)     Video Framerate:  23.976FPS
     IMDB Rating:      4.4/10          Subtitles:        English/French
  ²                                                                         ²
  U²±°° ° [Theatre Date] °                                          °  ° °±²U
  ²                                                                         ²
  ±  Theatre date: December 1st 2002 (2,503 Screens)                        ±
  °                                                                         °
  U²±° °  [Plot Summary] °                                          °  ° °±²U
  ²                                                                         ²
  ±  Adam Sandler invites you to share some holiday cheer in the new, 
     no-holds-barred musical comedy Adam Sandler's 8 Crazy Nights.   Davey
     Stone, a 33-year old party animal, finds himself in trouble with the
     law after his wild ways go too far. In keeping with the holiday spirit,
     the judge gives Davey one last chance at  redemption-spend the holiday 
     performing community service as the assistant referee for the youth 
     basketball league or go to jail. Davey thinks he's gotten off easy 
     until he meets Whitey Duvall, the eccentric, elf-like head referee. 
     The mismatch between Whitey's good heart and never-ending optimism and 
     Davey's constant troublemaking soon have them both wondering if going 
     to jail wouldn't have been easier! In this new, full-length animated 
     feature about basketball, old girlfriends, holiday spirits,  and the 
     mall, Adam Sandler voices the three lead characters of Whitey, Davey, 
     and Whitey's fraternal twin sister Eleanore!                           ±
  ²                                                                         ²
  U²±°  ° [Cast] °  °                                               °  ° °±²U
  ²                                                                         ²
  ±  Adam Sandler ....  Whitey Duvall/Davey Stone/Eleanor Duvall/Deer (voice)
     Jackie Titone ....  Jennifer Brodsky (voice)
     Austin Stout ....  Benjamin 'Ben' Brodsky (voice)
     Kevin Nealon ....  Mayor (voice)
     Rob Schneider ....  Chinese Waiter/Narrator (voice)
  ±  http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0271263/                                    ±
  ²                                                                         ²
  U²±°° ° [Additional Info] °                                       °  ° °±²U
  ²                                                                         ²
  ±  dl.. unrar... watch...  
  °                                                                         °
  U²±°° ° [GROUP NEWS] °                                            °  ° °±²U
  ²                                                                         ²
  ±  group news... what news? a better question... what group? we don't
     exist so therefore you can not contact us, if we need you... we'll
     contact you :)
     irc: #none  contact: [email protected]
  °                                                                         °
  U²±° °  °[GREETS]°                                                °  ° °±²U
  ²                                                                         ²
  ±  we want to send a very special thanks to our partners in c***e TCF!!!  ±
  °  [] BooZerS [] DcN [] ESOTERiC [] FFN [] KYD [] MaST3rS [] TcS [] pHASE °
  U                                                                         ²
  UU²±°° °  °                                                      °   ° °±²U
  ²                                                                         ²
  ±                                                                         ±
  °                                                                         °