Within the Woods (Evil Dead Series Prequel) - SCREENER - PTP
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  |        Lost Evil_Dead Movie "Within The Woods" By P.T.P   4-12-02       |
  | Posted by: Peaty The Pirate       | | Type: Mpeg1                       |
  | Source: Peaty's Ship              | | Image Format: BIN/CUE             |
  | Completly Tested: Yes             | | Support Files: 1-800-no-copies    |
  | Lengths (min): 32 mins            | | Quality: old ass studio vhs       |
  | Category: Lost evil dead movie    | | Format: NTSC / Stereo             |
  | #CD's: 1                          | | Protection: rabid dogs & sfv      |
  | CD1 Archives: 21                  | | CD1: ptp-wtw.rar                  |
  |                Hardware Requirements: Just a PHat Toaster               |
  <------------------S H I T  U  N E E D  2  K N O W ----------------------->
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  |                                                         OH Hoist        | 
  |                   ywww  y  y ywww                       The Sails       | 
  |                    J¶   ¶__¶ {þ__                       And Lets Shove  | 
  |                    J¶   ¶¯¯¶ {]¯¯                       Off Tis' The    | 
  |                     ¥ @ @  @ J®®®              _____    Pirates Life    | 
  |               ___   _ ___   _  ____ ____    _M®®®®®®®p_  For ME         | 
  |               ®™®# J#J®™™þ  ®Å ™™®™¼®™™™   y®®®®®®®®®®®p                | 
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  |               ¯    ¯ ¯  ¯¯    ¯  ¯  ¯¯¯¯   ®®™¯º®®®™¯™®®                | 
  |                                            ¶®   ¶®¶   ®Â                | 
  |     |---PTP IS ---- |                       ®p_æ®®®p_æ®                 | 
  |     |               |                       ®®®___®®®Å                 | 
  |     |   Lochan      |                         ¯®®®®®¯                   | 
  |     |   Bartelby    |                         ®_____Ê                   | 
  |     |   Korn-Shell  |                   __    ¯®®®®W     _              | 
  |     |   Da-Skunk    |                   @®®_    ¯¯¯    _®®#             | 
  |     |   Tyrist      |                   ®®®®p__     __M®®®þ             | 
  |     |   Tha-Rest    |                   ®W¯º™®®®p_æ®®®W¯¯™®             | 
  |      --------------                           _®®®Â_                   | 
  |                                             _®®®™¯™®®p_                 | 
  |                                         yg®®®®¯     ¯®®®®œ_             | 
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  |                                           ™Ñ           ÂW               |
  |                                                                         | 
  |  The pirate crew brings you yet another one of a kind gem!  for those   |
  |"Deadites" out there that know about the Evil Dead saga this the most    | 
  |prized piece of media out there,the never before seen "pilot" to the evil| 
  |dead series. Made in 1978 as a test for Anchor Bay for the upcoming smash| 
  | 1982 Evil Dead movie, this Lost film is one of Sam Raimi first works.   | 
  |                                                                         | 
  |       Any fan of Rami's will love this one of a kind gem from PTP       | 
  <------------------------- M O V I E    N E W S -------------------------->
  | move info from imdb.........                                            |
  | http://us.imdb.com/Title?0078503       8.3/10 (60 votes)                | 
  |                                                                         | 
  | Credited cast overview:                                                 | 
  | Bruce Campbell (I) ....  Bruce                                          | 
  | Ellen Sandweiss ....  Ellen                                             | 
  | Scott Spiegel ....  Scotty                                              | 
  | Mary Valenti                                                            | 
  |                                                                         | 
  |                                                                         | 
  |      Keep your eyes on the seas for more great releases from P.T.P      | 
  |                                                                         | 
  <-------------------------- O T H E R    N E W S ------------------------->
  |  |We at P.T.P send greetz to the leetz u kn0w wh0 u are.  A huge Greet  | 
  |                                  goes|                                  | 
  |   |to ALL the Great peepz That helped us get this release out, And all| | 
  | |the 0therz who made this happen 4 us thanx be upon u, thanx for helping| 
  |                                    |                                    | 
  | |the little ppl that will get big like u s00n. This will be the first 0f| 
  |                                    |                                    | 
  | |three (3) "Test Runs"  while we c0mplete getting all 0f 0ur shiznett in| 
  |                                    |                                    | 
  | |0rder. The next two (2) are a c0uple m0re rares we f0und hidden in the | 
  |                                    |                                    | 
  |                       |back of Peaty's Pirate Ship                      | 
  |             ;)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|              | 
  |                                                                         | 
  |   |Those wh0 are l00king t0 j0in the newest and fastest growing group   | 
  |                                 sh0uld|                                 | 
  |                   l00k n0 farther, cause P.T.P. is IT                   | 
  |            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~         | 
  |  If y0u have accsess to New movies TS/SCR or have a shell acount with   | 
  |                                    |                                    | 
  |  50+gigs c0ntact Bartelby,Lochan or Korn-Shell f0r inf0.                |  
  |  Unlike the 0ther grr0ups we ARE l00king f0r currys "s0me0ne needs t0 d0|  
  |  0ur beer runs"                                                         |
  |                                                                         |
  |  Also at this time P.T.P is l00king for fine ass slutz t0 pr0vide P.T.P.| 
  |                                                                         | 
  |  enc0ders,ripperz,crackerz bl0wj0bs during the stressfull w0rk times.   | 
  |                                                                         | 
  |                  Other things P.T.P. is looking for:                    | 
  |                                                                         | 
  |(1) Weed hookup, you got some send it to Bartleby, weed=better releases  |
  |                                                                         | 
  |(2) Pirate Flags: PTP is always looking for new flags to fly on their    | 
  |  Winabagos                                                              |
  |                                                                         | 
  |(3) Slutz: Nuff Said!                                                    | 
  |                                                                         | 
  |(4) donations donations donations                                        | 
  |                                                                         | 
  |(5) A really good legal team: if your a lawyer and you like free shit    | 
  |  Please Contact us Quickly ;)                                           |
  |                                                                         | 
  |[6] Umm could someone PLEASE tell me Why my toaster won't play Vcd's???  | 
  |           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~          |                            
  <-----------------------------NFO BY LOCHAN------------------------------->