Heman And The Masters Of The Universe S02E04 Rise Of The Snake Men Part 1 - TV - CTV
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Zodak Û²±Û Û±²Û appears to save him, but the Snake Men Û²±Û Û±²Û overwhelm him. Zeelak tells Zodak to warn the Û²±Û Û±²Û Elders. King Hiss says that the elders are Û²±Û Û±²Û weak as he devours Zeelak in his snake form as Û²±Û Û±²Û General Rattlor drops him from Snake Mountain. Û²±Û Û±²Û It was all a memory nightmare Zodak's having. Û²±Û Û±²Û He contacts the Elders to show him the future. Û²±Û Û±²Û We see Snake Mountain going back to it's old Û²±Û Û±²Û looks, the royal palace looking snake-building Û²±Û Û±²Û like and Castle Grayskull crumpling to the Û²±Û Û±²Û ground and everywhere the Snake Men conquered Û²±Û Û±²Û and the vision ends. Also, The Sorceress was Û²±Û Û±²Û seeing where the Elders' powrs are stored. Û²±Û Û±²Û Û²±Û Û±²Û At the Royal Palace, The Sorceress contacts Û²±Û Û±²Û Prince Adam about Kobra Khan's attempt to free Û²±Û Û±²Û King Hiss...again. She also tells Adam that Û²±Û Û±²Û the their will be a new look for He-Man as he Û²±Û Û±²Û transforms. Adam tells Man-At-Arms the crisis Û²±Û Û±²Û and tells him that he'll catch up. Man-At-Arms Û²±Û Û±²Û leaves with Stratos, Teela, and Mekanek to Û²±Û Û±²Û Snake Mountain. As Adam transforms into Û²±Û Û±²Û He-Man, he has new snake armor. Û²±Û Û±²Û Û²±Û Û±²Û Tri-Klops' spy device sees the Masters coming Û²±Û Û±²Û and replays what it sees to Skeletor, Beast Û²±Û Û±²Û Man, Mer-Man, Whiplash, Clawful, and Stinkor. Û²±Û Û±²Û As Skeletor makes a suggestion to Evil-Lyn, he Û²±Û Û±²Û notice she's not their. Û²±Û Û±²Û Û²±Û Û±²Û Meanwhile, Evil-Lyn heads to Zodak's retreat Û²±Û Û±²Û in the Mystic Mountains with Kobra Khan and Û²±Û Û±²Û General Rattlor to get the staff that resealed Û²±Û Û±²Û the void. Zodak tries to stop Kobra Khan and Û²±Û Û±²Û General Rattlor, but Evil-Lyn zaps him Û²±Û Û±²Û knocking him out. They take the staff and go Û²±Û Û±²Û to Snake Mountain. Zodak wakes up to find them Û²±Û Û±²Û gone as he plans to pursue them. Û²±Û Û±²Û Û²±Û Û±²Û At Snake Mountain, Stratos is shot down by a Û²±Û Û±²Û beam as well as Mekanek and Teela's Wind Û²±Û Û±²Û Raider. Û²±Û Û±²Û Û²±Û Û±²Û Whiplash and Mer-Man attack first in their Û²±Û Û±²Û vehicles, then Tri-Klops and Stinkor on foot. Û²±Û Û±²Û Skeletor appears on the scene and when Û²±Û Û±²Û Man-At-Arms tells him the crisis, Skeletor Û²±Û Û±²Û traps them in a laser cage. Man-At-Arms tells Û²±Û Û±²Û Skeletor that their might be a traitor helping Û²±Û Û±²Û Kobra Khan, but Evil-Lyn appeared lying to Û²±Û Û±²Û Skeletor that she did away with him. He-Man Û²±Û Û±²Û appears and throws a rock at Skeletor which Û²±Û Û±²Û freed the Masters as they continue the battle. Û²±Û Û±²Û Û²±Û Û±²Û Û²±Û Û±²Û Within Snake Mountain, Kobra Khan and General Û²±Û Û±²Û Rattlor arrive at the void. Rattlor does the Û²±Û Û±²Û honors [even though Kobra Khan wanted to free Û²±Û Û±²Û the Snake Men] and opens the void. Out comes Û²±Û Û±²Û the Snake Men members Tung Lashor, SSSQueeze, Û²±Û Û±²Û Snake Face, King Hiss in the shadows, and the Û²±Û Û±²Û rest of the Snake Men. Û²±Û Û±²Û Û²±Û Û±²Û Back with the battle, Stratos is flying after Û²±Û Û±²Û Mer-Man when Whiplash knocks him out of the Û²±Û Û±²Û sky with his tail. Mekanek tries to stretch Û²±Û Û±²Û his neck to avoid Stinkor's stench until he Û²±Û Û±²Û hits his head on the ledge. Beast Man brings 2 Û²±Û Û±²Û of his big pets to help, but Teela defeats one Û²±Û Û±²Û and He-Man defeats the other. Man-At-Arms Û²±Û Û±²Û pursues Tri-Klops, but Tri-Klops through an Û²±Û Û±²Û explosive into the flowing lava and blows it Û²±Û Û±²Û up damaging Man-At-Arms before being pummeled Û²±Û Û±²Û by He-Man. Skeletor zaps He-Man with Û²±Û Û±²Û Evil-Lyn's help into a wall. Evil-Lyn zaps the Û²±Û Û±²Û lava bringing out a lava monster. Teela dodges Û²±Û Û±²Û it until He-Man throws a rock in it's torso Û²±Û Û±²Û before destroying it. Man-At-Arms sounds the Û²±Û Û±²Û retreat as Stratos swoops down to save Û²±Û Û±²Û Mekanek. Û²±Û Û±²Û Û²±Û Û±²Û Back at Snake Mountain, Skeletor enters the Û²±Û Û±²Û the throne announcing a counter attack and Û²±Û Û±²Û says Eternia will be his. King Hiss interupts Û²±Û Û±²Û saying it will be the Snake Men that'll Û²±Û Û±²Û conquer Eternia. Skeletor questions him why he Û²±Û Û±²Û is on his throne when the Snake Men appear. Û²±Û Û±²Û King Hiss has part of the throne turned into Û²±Û Û±²Û snakes that grabs him. Skeletor tells his Û²±Û Û±²Û henchmen to attack. Kobra Khan expands his Û²±Û Û±²Û hood and melts a part of Tri-Klops' 3-eye Û²±Û Û±²Û helmet when he switches to another eye. Snake Û²±Û Û±²Û Face's snakes are exposed as Mer-Man is turned Û²±Û Û±²Û to stone. Tung Lashor grabs Beast Man with his Û²±Û Û±²Û tongue as Beast Man and Stinkor are turned to Û²±Û Û±²Û stone also. Whiplash, Clawful, and Tri-Klops Û²±Û Û±²Û try to escape, but the door closes on them. Û²±Û Û±²Û They try not to look, but the snakes on the Û²±Û Û±²Û floor grab them and Snake Face turns them to Û²±Û Û±²Û stone. Skeletor tells Evil-Lyn to destroy him, Û²±Û Û±²Û but she tells him that she is on King Hiss' Û²±Û Û±²Û side while King Hiss changes into his snake Û²±Û Û±²Û form. Snake Face can't turn Skeletor to stone Û²±Û Û±²Û due to he doesn't have eyes. King Hiss makes Û²±Û Û±²Û the snakes holding Skeletor have him bow and Û²±Û Û±²Û then a big snake head swallows Skeletor. King Û²±Û Û±²Û Hiss then has Snake Mountain go back to its Û²±Û Û±²Û old looks as Zodak witnesses from far away. Û²±Û Û±²Û Û²±Û Û±²Û Û²±Û ÜÛ±²Û Û²±ÛÜ ÜÛ°±Ûß ßÛ±°ÛÜ Û±°±Û Û±°±Û Û²±±Û ßÛÜ ÜÛß Û±±²Û ÛÛ²±ÛÛ ÛÛ² ²ÛÛ ÛÛ±²ÛÛ ÛÛ²²ÛÜ ÛÛ²Ü Ü²ÛÛ ÜÛ²²ÛÛ ÜÛÜ ÛÛ±²Û ßÛÛÛ²²ÜÜÜ ÜÜܲ²ÛÛÛß Û²±ÛÛ ÜÛÜ ßÛÜ ÛÛ²ÛÛ ßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²ßßß ßß ß ß ßß ßßß²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛß ÛÛ²ÛÛ ÜÛß ÛÛÜ ßÛÛ²Û ßßßßßÛ [WHAT WE'RE LOOKiNG FOR] Ûßßßßß Û²ÛÛß ÜÛÛ ÛÛÛÜ ßÛÛ ùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùù ÛÛß ÜÛÛÛ ÛÛ²ÛÜ Û 1. Experienced Encoders Û ÜÛ²ÛÛ Û±²Û Û 2. 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