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                ---=== FEDERATION AGAINST COPYRIGHTS ===---
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              \-------/      \----/    \----/\--------------/          
                      ---=== Proudly Presents ===---

                       RATiNG..: 6.5/10 (2,221 votes)
                       RELEASE DATE.: 00/00/2003
                       RETAiL  DATE.: **/**/2003
                       MOViE YEAR...: 1981
                       SOURCE.......: DVD
                       GENRE...:   Horror / Sci-Fi / Thriller
                       RUNTiME.: 103 min.
                       SiZE....: 85*50 MB
                       iMAGE TYPE.......: *.iso
                         --=== ENJOY THE MOVIE ===---

                             --== Cast ==--
                Jennifer O'Neill ....  Kim Obrist, Scanner 
                Stephen Lack ....  Cameron Vale, Scanner 
                Patrick McGoohan ....  Doctor Paul Rutht 
                Lawrence Dane ....  Braedon Keller 
                Michael Ironside ....  Darryl Revok
                Robert A. Silverman ....  Benjamin Pierce 
                Lee Broker ....  Security One 
                Mavor Moore ....  Trevellyan, CONSEC Chairman 
                Adam Ludwig ....  Arno Crostic, Art Gallery Owner 
                Murray Cruchley ....  Lee, CONSEC Programmer 1 
                Fred Doederlein ....  Dieter Tautz, Yoga Master 
                Géza Kovács ....  Killer in Record store 
                Sony Forbes ....  Killer in Attic 
                Jérôme Tiberghien ....  Killer in Attic 
                Denis Lacroix ....  Killer in Barn 

                         --== Plot Summary ==--

         Darryl Revok is the most powerful of all the scanners, 
         and is the head of the underground scanner movement for 
         world domination. 
         Scanners have great psychic power, strong enough to 
         control minds; they can inflict enormous pain/damage 
         on their victims. Doctor Paul Ruth finds a scanner that 
         Revok hasn't, and converts him to their cause - to destroy 
         the underground movement.

 °                                                                           °
 °                                                                           °
 °   AUDIO.........: [x] DD 2.0      [x] English [ ] Italian                 °
 °                   [ ] DD 2.0 Mono [ ] French  [ ] Norwegian               °
 °                   [ ] DD 2.1      [ ] German  [ ] Swedish                 °
 °                   [ ] DD 5.0      [ ] Spanish [ ] Directory Comentary     °
 °                   [ ] DD 5.1      [ ] Danish  [ ] Portuguese              °
 °                   [ ] DD 6.1 DTS  [ ] Dutch   [ ] Other                   °
 °                                                                           °
 °   SOURCE........: [x] DVD Retail  [ ] DVD5                                °
 °                   [ ] PRE DVD     [ ] DVD9                                °
 °                                                                           °
 °   DVD EXTRAS....: [x] All Included                                        °
 °                   [ ] Partial Stripped                                    °
 °                   [ ] Fully Stripped                                      °
 °                                                                           °
 °   VIDEO.........: [x] Untouched                                           °
 °                   [ ] Re-Encoded                                          °
 °                   [ ] Passes [ ]                                          °
 °                   [ ] Bitrate [ ]                                         °
 °                   [ ] Q Factor [ ]                                        °
 °                                                                           °
 °   MENU..........: [x] Untouched                                           °
 °                   [ ] Stripped                                            °
 °                                                                           °
 °   SUBTITLES.....: [ ] (None)                  [ ] Polish                  °
 °                   [x] English                 [ ] Swedish                 °
 °                   [ ] English For The         [ ] Danish                  °
 °                       Hearing Impaired        [ ] Norwegian               °
 °                   [ ] Czech                   [ ] Greek                   °
 °                   [ ] Croatian                [ ] Hebrew                  °
 °                   [ ] Dutch                   [ ] Icelandic               °
 °                   [ ] Arabic                  [ ] Suomi                   °
 °                   [ ] Bulgarian               [ ] Hindi                   °
 °                   [ ] Magayar                 [ ] Turkish                 °
 °                                                                           °
 °                                                                           °
 °   REGION........: [x] PAL                                                 °
 °                   [ ] NTSC                                                °
 °                   [x] Region Free                                         °
 °                   [ ] Macro Vision Free                                   °
 °                                                                           °
 °   ASPECT RATIO..: [ ] 16:9 Anamorphic                                     °
 °                   [ ] 16:9 Letterbox                                      °
 °                   [x] 16:9 Widescreen                                     °
 °                   [ ]  4:3 Fullscreen                                     °
 °                                                                           °
 °   OTHER NOTES...: The rip was tested in a standalone DVD Player.          °
 °                                                                           °
 °                                                                           °

                      Currently Looking For :
              - 300gig+ 100mbit+ Glftpd/*Nix Sites to affil
              - 100mbit+ Raiden/*Nix Sites for EXCLUSIVE FAC use
              - Suppliers of Pre-DVD's, TS, and Screeners
              - Anything else that could be beneficial to us
              - ho3s, maximum of 2 V.D.'s
              -You have what we need ? contact us @
              - [email protected]

                        ..: GREETINGS :..
                 FTFiSO, TECHNIC, Centropy, DEViANCE & TcS

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