The Exorcist III - DVDRIP - FAC
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                ---=== FEDERATION AGAINST COPYRIGHTS ===---
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                      ---=== Proudly Presents ===---

                       RATiNG..: 5.5/10 (1,659 votes)
                       RELEASE DATE.: 00/00/2003
                       RETAiL  DATE.: **/**/2003
                       MOViE YEAR...: 1990
                       SOURCE.......: DVD
                       GENRE...:   Horror
                       RUNTiME.: 105 min.
                       SiZE....: 94*50 MB
                       iMAGE TYPE.......: *.iso
                         --=== ENJOY THE MOVIE ===---

                             --== Cast ==--
                George C. Scott ....  Lt. William 'Bill' Kinderman 
                Ed Flanders ....  Father Joseph Kevin Dyer 
                Brad Dourif ....  The Gemini Killer/James Venamun 
                Jason Miller ....  Patient X (Father Damien Karras) 
                Nicol Williamson ....  Father Paul Morning 
                Scott Wilson ....  Dr. Temple 
                Nancy Fish ....  Nurse Allerton 
                George DiCenzo ....  Stedman 
                Don Gordon ....  Ryan 
                Lee Richardson ....  University president 
                Grand L. Bush ....  Sgt. Atkins 
                Mary Jackson ....  Mrs. Clelia 
                Viveca Lindfors ....  Nurse X 
                Ken Lerner ....  Dr. Freedman 
                Tracy Thorne ....  Nurse Keating 

                         --== Plot Summary ==--

     Ignoring Exorcist II: The Heretic, this one deals with a serial 
     killer who was executed the same night of the exorcism in the 
     first film with the girl Regan. 
     The priest who fell down the flight of steps was been taken into 
     the spirit of the killer to claim victim after victim some 
     20 years later. The killer mutilates priests and doctors and uses 
     old women as a suspect. After the returning police detective 
     Kinderman sees that it is the same serial killings of the Zodiac, 
     he and another priest decide to find and destroy the killer's 
     spirit with using the final exorcism. But this exorcism will 
     be much dangerous...

 °                                                                           °
 °                                                                           °
 °   AUDIO.........: [x] DD 2.0      [x] English [ ] Italian                 °
 °                   [ ] DD 2.0 Mono [ ] French  [ ] Norwegian               °
 °                   [ ] DD 2.1      [ ] German  [ ] Swedish                 °
 °                   [ ] DD 5.0      [ ] Spanish [ ] Directory Comentary     °
 °                   [ ] DD 5.1      [ ] Danish  [ ] Portuguese              °
 °                   [ ] DD 6.1 DTS  [ ] Dutch   [ ] Other                   °
 °                                                                           °
 °   SOURCE........: [x] DVD Retail  [ ] DVD5                                °
 °                   [ ] PRE DVD     [ ] DVD9                                °
 °                                                                           °
 °   DVD EXTRAS....: [x] All Included                                        °
 °                   [ ] Partial Stripped                                    °
 °                   [ ] Fully Stripped                                      °
 °                                                                           °
 °   VIDEO.........: [x] Untouched                                           °
 °                   [ ] Re-Encoded                                          °
 °                   [ ] Passes [ ]                                          °
 °                   [ ] Bitrate [ ]                                         °
 °                   [ ] Q Factor [ ]                                        °
 °                                                                           °
 °   MENU..........: [x] Untouched                                           °
 °                   [ ] Stripped                                            °
 °                                                                           °
 °   SUBTITLES.....: [ ] (None)                  [ ] Polish                  °
 °                   [x] English                 [ ] Swedish                 °
 °                   [ ] English For The         [ ] Danish                  °
 °                       Hearing Impaired        [ ] Norwegian               °
 °                   [ ] Czech                   [ ] Greek                   °
 °                   [ ] Croatian                [ ] Hebrew                  °
 °                   [x] Dutch                   [ ] Icelandic               °
 °                   [x] French                  [ ] Suomi                   °
 °                   [ ] Bulgarian               [ ] Hindi                   °
 °                   [ ] Magayar                 [ ] Turkish                 °
 °                                                                           °
 °                                                                           °
 °   REGION........: [x] PAL                                                 °
 °                   [ ] NTSC                                                °
 °                   [x] Region Free                                         °
 °                   [ ] Macro Vision Free                                   °
 °                                                                           °
 °   ASPECT RATIO..: [ ] 16:9 Anamorphic                                     °
 °                   [ ] 16:9 Letterbox                                      °
 °                   [x] 16:9 Widescreen                                     °
 °                   [ ]  4:3 Fullscreen                                     °
 °                                                                           °
 °   OTHER NOTES...: The rip was tested in a standalone DVD Player.          °
 °                                                                           °
 °                                                                           °

                      Currently Looking For :
              - 300gig+ 100mbit+ Glftpd/*Nix Sites to affil
              - 100mbit+ Raiden/*Nix Sites for EXCLUSIVE FAC use
              - Suppliers of Pre-DVD's, TS, and Screeners
              - Anything else that could be beneficial to us
              - ho3s, maximum of 2 V.D.'s
              -You have what we need ? contact us @
              - [email protected]

                        ..: GREETINGS :..
                 FTFiSO, TECHNIC, Centropy, DEViANCE & TcS

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