Walt Disney The Black Hole - DVDRIP - FAC
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                ---=== FEDERATION AGAINST COPYRIGHTS ===---
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                      ---=== Proudly Presents ===---

                       RATiNG..: 5.3/10 (2,660 votes)
                       WEB.....: http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0078869
                       RELEASE DATE.: 00/00/2003
                       RETAiL  DATE.: **/**/2003
                       MOViE YEAR...: 1979
                       SOURCE.......: DVD
                       GENRE...:   Sci-Fi
                       RUNTiME.: 98 min.
                       SiZE....: 83*50 MB
                       iMAGE TYPE.......: *.iso
                         --=== ENJOY THE MOVIE ===---

                             --== Cast ==--
                  Maximilian Schell ....  Dr. Hans Reinhardt 
                  Anthony Perkins ....  Dr. Alex Durant 
                  Robert Forster ....  Capt. Dan Holland 
                  Joseph Bottoms ....  Lt. Charles Pizer 
                  Yvette Mimieux ....  Dr. Kate McCrae 
                  Ernest Borgnine ....  Harry Booth 
                  Tommy McLoughlin ....  Captain S.T.A.R.  
                  Roddy McDowall ....  V.I.N.CENT. 
                  Slim Pickens ....  Bob (voice) 
                         --== Plot Summary ==--

           The crew of the spaceship Palamino stumbles across 
           the ``lost'' ship U.S.S. Cygnus, hovering on the edge 
           of an immense black hole. Once aboard, they find the 
           ship is manned by robots - it's only human inhabitant, 
           one Dr. Hans Reinhardt; an eminent scientist, missing 
           for the past twenty years. 
           His plan - to enter the Black Hole . . . Whether Dr. Reinhardt 
           is a genius or a mad-man, one thing is for sure, he will 
           not be denied his life's dream. What lies beyond the 
           Black Hole? Immortality . . . or, Oblivion . . . ?

 °                                                                           °
 °                                                                           °
 °   AUDIO.........: [x] DD 2.0      [x] English [ ] Italian                 °
 °                   [ ] DD 2.0 Mono [x] French  [ ] Norwegian               °
 °                   [ ] DD 2.1      [ ] German  [ ] Swedish                 °
 °                   [ ] DD 5.0      [ ] Spanish [ ] Directory Comentary     °
 °                   [x] DD 5.1      [ ] Danish  [ ] Portuguese              °
 °                   [ ] DD 6.1 DTS  [ ] Dutch   [ ] Other                   °
 °                                                                           °
 °   SOURCE........: [x] DVD Retail  [ ] DVD5                                °
 °                   [ ] PRE DVD     [ ] DVD9                                °
 °                                                                           °
 °   DVD EXTRAS....: [x] All Included                                        °
 °                   [ ] Partial Stripped                                    °
 °                   [ ] Fully Stripped                                      °
 °                                                                           °
 °   VIDEO.........: [x] Untouched                                           °
 °                   [ ] Re-Encoded                                          °
 °                   [ ] Passes [ ]                                          °
 °                   [ ] Bitrate [ ]                                         °
 °                   [ ] Q Factor [ ]                                        °
 °                                                                           °
 °   MENU..........: [x] Untouched                                           °
 °                   [ ] Stripped                                            °
 °                                                                           °
 °   SUBTITLES.....: [ ] (None)                  [ ] Polish                  °
 °                   [x] English                 [ ] Swedish                 °
 °                   [ ] English For The         [ ] Danish                  °
 °                       Hearing Impaired        [ ] Norwegian               °
 °                   [ ] Czech                   [ ] Greek                   °
 °                   [ ] Croatian                [ ] Hebrew                  °
 °                   [x] Dutch                   [ ] Icelandic               °
 °                   [x] French                  [ ] Suomi                   °
 °                   [ ] Bulgarian               [ ] Hindi                   °
 °                   [ ] Magayar                 [ ] Turkish                 °
 °                                                                           °
 °                                                                           °
 °   REGION........: [x] PAL                                                 °
 °                   [ ] NTSC                                                °
 °                   [x] Region Free                                         °
 °                   [ ] Macro Vision Free                                   °
 °                                                                           °
 °   ASPECT RATIO..: [ ] 16:9 Anamorphic                                     °
 °                   [ ] 16:9 Letterbox                                      °
 °                   [x] 16:9 Widescreen                                     °
 °                   [ ]  4:3 Fullscreen                                     °
 °                                                                           °
 °   OTHER NOTES...: The rip was tested in a standalone DVD Player.          °
 °                                                                           °
 °                                                                           °

                      Currently Looking For :
              - 300gig+ 100mbit+ Glftpd/*Nix Sites to affil
              - 100mbit+ Raiden/*Nix Sites for EXCLUSIVE FAC use
              - Suppliers of Pre-DVD's, TS, and Screeners
              - Anything else that could be beneficial to us
              - ho3s, maximum of 2 V.D.'s
              -You have what we need ? contact us @
              - [email protected]

                        ..: GREETINGS :..
                 FTFiSO, TECHNIC, Centropy, DEViANCE & TcS

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