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                ---=== FEDERATION AGAINST COPYRIGHTS ===---
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                      ---=== Proudly Presents ===---

                       RATiNG..: 6.3/10 (950 votes) 
                       RELEASE DATE.: 00/00/2003
                       RETAiL  DATE.: **/**/2003
                       MOViE YEAR...: 1991
                       SOURCE.......: DVD
                       GENRE...:    Crime / Drama
                       RUNTiME.: 120 min.
                       SiZE....: 95*50 MB
                       iMAGE TYPE.......: *.iso
                         --=== ENJOY THE MOVIE ===---

                             --== Cast ==--
                      Jason Patric ....  Raynor 
                      Jennifer Jason Leigh ....  Kristen 
                      Sam Elliott ....  Dodd 
                      Max Perlich ....  Walker 
                      Gregg Allman ....  Gaines 
                      Tony Frank ....  Nettle 
                      William Sadler ....  Monroe 
                      Special K. McCray ....  Willie Red 
                      Dennis Letts ....  Senior District Attorney 
                      Dennis Burkley ....  Motorcycle Guy 
                      Glenn Wilson ....  Motorcycle Guy 
                      Jimmy Ray Pickens ....  Man in Disco 
                      Barbara Lasater ....  Yellow Rose Bartender 
                      Toni Pilgreen ....  Driller's Waitress 
                      Merrill Connally ....  Defense Attorney

                         --== Plot Summary ==--

        Raynor (Patric) is an undercover narcotics cop. For his next 
        assignment he chooses the more inexperienced but tough and 
        good-looking Kristen (Jason Leigh). Their ultimate target is 
        Gaines, a renowned but very elusive drug dealer. While doing 
        their work they unexpectedly fall into a morase of drug-addiction 
        and fall in love with each other. Despite subjecting themselves 
        to the life of low class, one track junkies they do not get the 
        evidence they want to convinct Gaines, and instead are forced into 
        using false evidence in court.

 °                                                                           °
 °                                                                           °
 °   AUDIO.........: [x] DD 2.0      [x] English [ ] Italian                 °
 °                   [ ] DD 2.0 Mono [ ] French  [ ] Norwegian               °
 °                   [ ] DD 2.1      [ ] German  [ ] Swedish                 °
 °                   [ ] DD 5.0      [ ] Spanish [ ] Directory Comentary     °
 °                   [ ] DD 5.1      [ ] Danish  [ ] Portuguese              °
 °                   [ ] DD 6.1 DTS  [ ] Dutch   [ ] Other                   °
 °                                                                           °
 °   SOURCE........: [x] DVD Retail  [ ] DVD5                                °
 °                   [ ] PRE DVD     [ ] DVD9                                °
 °                                                                           °
 °   DVD EXTRAS....: [x] All Included                                        °
 °                   [ ] Partial Stripped                                    °
 °                   [ ] Fully Stripped                                      °
 °                                                                           °
 °   VIDEO.........: [ ] Untouched                                           °
 °                   [x] Re-Encoded                                          °
 °                   [ ] Passes [ ]                                          °
 °                   [ ] Bitrate [ ]                                         °
 °                   [ ] Q Factor [ ]                                        °
 °                                                                           °
 °   MENU..........: [x] Untouched                                           °
 °                   [ ] Stripped                                            °
 °                                                                           °
 °   SUBTITLES.....: [ ] (None)                  [ ] Polish                  °
 °                   [x] English                 [x] Swedish                 °
 °                   [ ] English For The         [x] Danish                  °
 °                       Hearing Impaired        [x] Norwegian               °
 °                   [ ] Czech                   [x] Greek                   °
 °                   [ ] Croatian                [ ] Hebrew                  °
 °                   [x] Dutch                   [ ] Icelandic               °
 °                   [x] French                  [ ] Suomi                   °
 °                   [ ] Bulgarian               [ ] Hindi                   °
 °                   [ ] Magayar                 [ ] Turkish                 °
 °                                                                           °
 °                                                                           °
 °   REGION........: [x] PAL                                                 °
 °                   [ ] NTSC                                                °
 °                   [x] Region Free                                         °
 °                   [ ] Macro Vision Free                                   °
 °                                                                           °
 °   ASPECT RATIO..: [ ] 16:9 Anamorphic                                     °
 °                   [ ] 16:9 Letterbox                                      °
 °                   [x] 16:9 Widescreen                                     °
 °                   [ ]  4:3 Fullscreen                                     °
 °                                                                           °
 °   OTHER NOTES...: The rip was tested in a standalone DVD Player.          °
 °                                                                           °
 °                                                                           °

                      Currently Looking For :
              - 300gig+ 100mbit+ Glftpd/*Nix Sites to affil
              - 100mbit+ Raiden/*Nix Sites for EXCLUSIVE FAC use
              - Anything else that could be beneficial to us
              - ho3s, maximum of 2 V.D.'s
              -You have what we need ? contact us @
              - [email protected]

                        ..: GREETINGS :..
                 FTFiSO, TECHNIC, Centropy, DEViANCE & TcS

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