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_JNNNNNNNNNL. JNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. [internal release] .JNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN) JNNNNNNNN" `4NNNNNNNN) .NNNNNNNF (NNNNNNN) .NNNNN) (NNNNNNN) (NNNNNNN) .NNNNNNN) __. JNNNNNNNN .NNNNNNNN .NNNNNNNN (NNNNN) JNNNNNNNNN _NNNNNNNN` JNNNNNNNN (NNNNNN)(NNNNNNNNNNN. .JNNNNNNNN" (NNNNNNN) (NNNNNNN.NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNF `"NNNNNLNNNNNNN" JNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN "NNNNN" (NNNNNNNNNNNF"""NNNNNNNNNL JNNNF JNNNNNNNNNF 4NNNNNNNL .JNNNNNN_ NNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNN. .NNNNNN .NNNN. NNNNNNNNNN (NNNNNNNN) NNNNNNN (NNNNN) NNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNN) (NNNNNN` NNNNNN) 4NNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNN` 4NNNN` NNNNNF 4NNNNNNNN .NNNNNNNNNN) `"" `"""` `""NNN" NNNNNNNNNNF [xR presents] (NNNNNNNNF """""` UP.iN.SMOKE.TOUR.2K1.DVDRiP.VCD RELEASE DATE : 04/25/2002 FiLE NAMES : uis#.rXX SUPPLiER : n/a USER RATiNG : 6.8/10 PACKER : PiMP GENRE : CONCERT RiPPER : PiMP MPAA RATiNG : unrated RUNTiME : 119 minutes DiRECTOR : Philip G. Atwell MOViE RELEASE DATE : 2001 DiSKS : CD1 [ 56x15MB ] CD2 [ 56x15MB ] FOR MOViE iNFO, iMDB TO -> http://us.imdb.com/Title?0278793 PERSONAL NOTES: VCD for a DVDRip? yeah, we know, but hey it's a req and it's internal. Up in smoke has been ripped before, but check this MPEG-1 encode out, it's decent quality and also hooks up those of us that dont have standalones that support SVCD. As a *SPECiAL* public service announcement we have a segment on today's youth. Well, lately there have been many instances of minors getting caught smuggling huge amounts of "illegal" drugs. 5 year old heroine smuggler (http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=the star/Layout/Article_Type1&c=Article&cid=1019512963699) 12 year old Nigerian Prince arraignment postponed -- caught with 80+ condoms filled with cocaine inside him. nasty. (lost the link) Condom swallower? You just know that that kid is the bitch of the family. Anyways, I just want to let ya know that kids now are smart. They see their friends getting the can and move to other drugs. For now, it seems, they are pushing viagra (http://www.thewbalchannel.com/news/1416108/detail.html). Good news this week? NHL Playoffs are running, and the Wings are again kicking major ass. also, for a lazy man like myself, Scientists have built a robot which has a sole purpose of opening beer bottles. National heroes, I tell ya. (http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/0424beerrobot24-ON.html) GREETS: .JNNNNNL_ Go away pimp. Far Far away. (NNNNNNNNNN Props to the VCDR team. ._. __ .NNNNF"NNNNN Everyone who deserves to flame us. JNNNN. JNNNN. NNNNN .NNNN (NNNNNNLNNNNNNN)(NNNN`.JNNNN` CONTACT: `4NNNNNNNNNN` .NNNNNNNNNNN` E-MAil : NOT FOR YOU `NNNNNN" NNNNNNNNNN` WWW : NOT FOR YOU .NNNNNNN JNNNNNNNN iRC : #VCDR irc.hiddenfire.net JNNNNNNNN) (NNNNNNNNN) .NNNNN`NNNNL .NNNN)(NNNNN JNNNNF (NNNN NNNNF 4NNNN) fJNNNN` (NNNNJNNNN `NNNNN. NNNN` (NN"`NNNN) (NNNN) "" [2002] NNN`