Veronica Guerin *COMPLETE* - DVDRIP - SCREAM
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                         .:  [X] SCREAM 2003 [X]  :.
   \                /____/\__ _______ ___/\____ _______   __________
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                    Sexy Cool Rightful Eager Angry Mobsters
                               P R E S E N T S 
            :      Veronica.Guerin.COMPLETE.DVDR-SCREAM        :
            :                                                  :
            .----------------> C O N T E N T S <---------------.
           .|      Release Date   :  January 23, 2004          |
           ||      DVDDate        :  January 26, 2004          |_____.
           !|      Source         :  Retail R2 DVD5            |:::::|!
      ._____:      Screen Format  :  16:9                      |:::::||
     :|:::::!      Release Size   :  92 x 50MB                 |:::::||
     ||:::::|      Languages      :  English                   !:::::|.
     ||:::::|      Menu           :  Original                  :ŻŻŻŻŻ
     .|:::::|      Subtitles      :  English                   |
       ŻŻŻŻŻ|      Running Time   :  98 mins                   |
            |      Genre          :  Drama/Thriller            |  
            |      Audio	  :  DD5.1                     | 
            |      DVD Extras     :  All Included              | 
            |      Image Type     :  .img                      | 
               Cate Blanchett stars in this true story about a 
               (journalist who risked her life in search of the
               truth. In the mid-1990s, Dublin was nothing short 
               of a war zone, with a few powerful drug lords
               battling for control. Their most fearsome opponent
               was not the police but the courageous Veronica
               Guerin (Blanchett), who investigated and exposed  
               the "pushers," balancing her home and family 
               against her responsibility to her readers and her
               country. Because of her intense efforts, she
               became a national folk heroine and changed
               Ireland forever. 
                       .:  [X]   GROUP NEWS   [X]  :.                   
               Enjoy This fine 1:1 Copy of the Retail R2 DVD;)
               We're labelling our rlses after the rules: 
               Wide: US: 500+ Screens or UK: 200+ Screens. And 
               since this went wide in UK, we see it as a wide rlz.
               Wide in the U.K.: (3 August 2003) (254 Screens)
               Limited in U.S. : (19 October 2003) (472 Screens)
               With an IMDB Score of 6.5/10 (557 votes)
               But you haven't seen anything yet, before you
               see the Sexy, Cool, Rightful, Eager, Angry,
               Mobsters not only steal your car, but taking 
               your girlfriend for a ride in it and on it. 
            We are seeking the following and the following only:                                                              
             1- Suppliers wanted for unrlsed: DVD Retails, 
                DVD Screeners, VHS Screeners, Console and XXX                    
             2- 100MBiT+ .eu site for exclusive group usage                   
             3- HW Suppliers                         
                  Contact us at [email protected]           
                       .:  [X]   GREETINGS   [X]  :.                 
                   STRiKE Pr0nStarS CRYMXXX HOLYCUBE VH-PROD