They Dont Give A Fuck About Us *FRENCH* *COMPLETE* - DVDRIP - SSB
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    |                        S  m  i  l  i  n  g                         /|
    |/                     S  h  i  n  y  B  o  y  s                      |
   <|                                                                      |>
    |                    SSB has honour to present:                        |
    |                 They don't give a fuck about us                    /|
    |/                by: LORDZ and SQUARE wheel company                  |
   <|  Release Date.....: 07/02/04          Ripper.........: SSB           |>
      Retail Date......: ??/09/03          Genre..........: Skateboarding |
    |  Runtime..........: 40 min.           Format.........: 4:3           |
    |  iMDB Rating......: N/A               Size...........: 47x50MB       |
    |                                                                      |
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 \_   ___\\___\\__  M O V I E   I N F O  ===>                          |
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    |/                                                                     |
    |   ::.Plot.::                                                         |
    |      With a video packed with amazing footage from some of Europe's  |
    |      best skaters, you sort of disregard the fact that the Museum    |
    |      of Contemporary Art in Barcelona/Spain probably has the most    |
    |      footage in the video.  Judging by the riding it seems like tech |
    |      skating is back again. But then again, what would you except    |
    |      from the Lordz?                                                 |
    |                                                                      |
    |    IMDB Link:   N/A                                                  |
    |    Review:        |
    |                                                                      |
    |   ::.Cast.::                                                         |
    |   Bastien Salabanzi             ... himself                          |
    |   Thibaud Fradin                ... himself                          |
    |   JB Gillet                     ... himself                          |
    |   Luy PA Sin                    ... himself                          |
    |   Florentin Marfaing            ... himself                          |
    |   Franck Barattiero             ... himself                          |
    |   Stefan Bircher                ... himself                          |
    |   Stephane Larance              ... himself                          |
    |   Alex Carolino                 ... himself                          |
    |                                                                      |
    |  ::.Aspect & Standards.::  ::.Audio.::                               |
    |                                                                      |
    |   [ ] Widescreen    16:9    [x] French     [ ] Dolby Digital 5.1     |
    |   [ ] Anamorphic                           [ ] DTS                   |
    |   [ ] Letterbox                            [x] Dolby Digital 2.0     |
    |   [x] Fullscreen     4:3                   [ ] Directory Commentary  |
    |   [x] PAL   [ ] NTSC                                                 |
    |                                                                      |
    |  ::.Subtitles.::                                                     |
    |                                                                      |
    |   [ ] English       [ ] Swedish      [ ] Portugal      [ ] Dutch     |
    |   [ ] Danish        [ ] German       [ ] Polish        [ ] Italia    |
    |   [ ] Arabic        [ ] Bulgarian    [ ] Czech         [ ] Greek     |
    |   [ ] Hindi         [ ] Hungarian    [ ] Croatic       [ ] Romenian  |
    |   [ ] Slovenia      [ ] Turkish      [ ] Icelandic     [ ] Finnish   |
    |   [ ] Norwegian     [ ] French       [ ] Hebrew        [ ] Other     |
    |                                                                      |
    |  ::.Video.::            ::.Menu.::            ::.DVD-Extras.::       |
    |                                                                      |
    |   [x] Untouched          [x] Untouched        [x] Untouched          |
    |   [ ] Re-Encoded         [ ] Stripped         [ ] Re-Encoded         |
    |   [ ] Passes                                  [ ] Partially stripped |
    |                                                                      |
    |                                                                      |
    |   ::.Ripper notes.::                                                 |
    |       Enjoy!                                                         |
    |                                                                      |
    |                                                      ___  ____  __/\_i___
    |                          <===  G R O U P   N E W S  /__///___///___   _//
    |                                                                     |
    |                                                                     |
    |      We`re looking for:                                              |
    |       -34mbit  Affils                                                |
    |                                                                      |
    |                                Wanna touch us? [email protected] |
    |                                                                      |
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 \_   ___\\___\\__  G R E E T I N G S  ===>                            |
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    |      BFH TML TRV 4PL                                                 |
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                                           ascii: szwagier/thelo0p 2k 3   |