Stargate SG-1 S07E05 *DiRFiX* *WS* *DVDRip* *XviD* - DVDRIP - VFUA
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                        V - F - U - A         
       ßßßßßßßßßßÛÛÛÛ°²°²°²°²°²  JUST RELEASED THIS  °²°²°²°²°²ÛÛÛßßßßßßßß    
       ²°²                                                             ²°²
       ²°²        SERIES    :  Stargate SG-1                           ²°²    
       ²°²        EP NO.    :  S07E05                                  ²°²    
       ²°²        TITLE     :  Revisions                               ²°²    
       ²°²        AIRDATE   :  07/11/2003                              ²°²    
       ²°²        DVD DATE  :  03/08/2004                              ²°²    
       ²°²        RLS DATE  :  02/08/2004                              ²°²     
       ²°²        GENRE     :  Science Fiction                         ²°²    
       ²°²        iMDB      :    ²°²    
       ²°²        RIPPED BY :  VFUA                                    ²°²     
       ²°²        SOURCE    :  Retail DVD                              ²°²     
       ßßßßßßßßßÛÛÛÛ°²°²°²°²°²  TECHNICAL INFORMATION °²°²°²°²°²ÛÛÛßßßßßßß     
       ²°²                                                             ²°²     
       ²°²    VIDEO CODEC   :  XviD                                    ²°²     
       ²°²    VIDEO RES.    :  640x352  (25 fps)                       ²°²     
       ²°²    VIDEO BITRATE :  2 Pass @                                ²°²     
       ²°²    AUDIO BITRATE :  MP3 VBR @ 128kbit                       ²°²     
       ²°²      SAMPLE RATE :  48 kHz                                  ²°²     
       ²°²           LENGTH :  42 MiN                                  ²°²     
       ²°²             SIZE :  350 MB                                  ²°²     
       ²°²            PACKS :  25x15mb                                 ²°²     
       ßßßßßßßßßßßÛÛÛÛ°²°²°²°²°²  EPISODE SUMMARY  °²°²°²°²°²ÛÛÛßßßßßßßßßß     
       ²°²                                                             ²°²     
       ²°²    On the toxic planet P3X-289, SGC finds an                ²°²     
       ²°²    electric field screening a inhabitable area and          ²°²     
       ²°²    SG-1 goes to investigate. They meet a boy, Nevin,        ²°²     
       ²°²    who leads them to his village where his father           ²°²     
       ²°²    and the others use a mental Link to tie into a           ²°²     
       ²°²    central computer. The team stays with the locals,        ²°²     
       ²°²    unaware that one of the councilwomen they met has        ²°²     
       ²°²    quietly left . . . and no one but they remember          ²°²     
       ²°²    her. Sam notices lowering power values but the           ²°²     
       ²°²    computer records don't show it and her technician        ²°²     
       ²°²    friend Pallan doesn't remember it either – by her        ²°²     
       ²°²    calculations the dome will fail in a short while         ²°²     
       ²°²    and everyone will die. The team offers the               ²°²     
       ²°²    natives the chances to leave but most are                ²°²     
       ²°²    reluctant to accept – Nevin and his father               ²°²     
       ²°²    Kendrick first accept their invitation but then          ²°²     
       ²°²    abruptly change their mind, and are convinced            ²°²     
       ²°²    removing the link causes instant death. Daniels          ²°²     
       ²°²    finds papers showing over 100,000 people once            ²°²     
       ²°²    lived in the dome, and the protective field is           ²°²     
       ²°²    shrinking – the computer has been slowly                 ²°²     
       ²°²    commanding them to leave the dome and die over           ²°²     
       ²°²    the years so as to conserve its diminishing              ²°²     
       ²°²    energy. They convince Pallan to help them as the         ²°²     
       ²°²    computer programs the other townsfolk to attack          ²°²     
       ²°²    SG-1. Sam and Pallan reprogram the computer just         ²°²     
       ²°²    in time and the villagers evacuate.                      ²°²     
       ²°²                                                             ²°²     
       ²°²                                                             ²°²     
       ²°²                                                             ²°²     
       ßßßßßßßßßßßßÛÛÛÛ°²°²°²°²°²  RELEASE NOTES  °²°²°²°²°²ÛÛÛßßßßßßßßßßß     
       ²°²                                                             ²°²     
       ²°²                                                             ²°²     
       ²°²                                                             ²°²     
       ²°²                                                             ²°²     
       ²°²    What is HRHDTV? It stands for High Resolution            ²°²     
       ²°²    HDTV.                                                    ²°²     
       ²°²    Yes you're right, we made up the term. What it           ²°²     
       ²°²    means is:                                                ²°²     
       ²°²    - source is HDTV (1920*1088)                             ²°²     
       ²°²    - We use the primary AC3 stream; 5.1 if                  ²°²     
       ²°²    available.                                               ²°²     
       ²°²    - We rip for maximum quality. No cutting                 ²°²     
       ²°²    corners in the settings in the ripping software          ²°²     
       ²°²    and other such crap.                                     ²°²     
       ²°²                                                             ²°²     
       ²°²    We do know the resolution is higher than the             ²°²     
       ²°²    "rules" say. We don't care  because we don't             ²°²     
       ²°²    think tdx2k2 - which was written at a time when          ²°²     
       ²°²    no group was even thinking of HDTV - addresses           ²°²     
       ²°²    Tv rips made from high resolution sources at             ²°²     
       ²°²    all. There are now standalone DVD players that           ²°²     
       ²°²    play xvid/divx. The only thing arguably of               ²°²     
       ²°²    equal quality to high quality XviD from HDTV             ²°²     
       ²°²    source would be DVD. Times change but the rules          ²°²     
       ²°²    haven't.                                                 ²°²     
       ²°²    So we are breaking them with a purpose.                  ²°²     
       ²°²                                                             ²°²     
       ²°²    - Do we care if our releases are nuked on sites          ²°²     
       ²°²    just because they don't follow outdated rules?           ²°²     
       ²°²    - Do we care if other groups whine about our             ²°²     
       ²°²    releases?                                                ²°²     
       ²°²    -- No.                                                   ²°²     
       ²°²                                                             ²°²     
       ²°²                                                             ²°²     
       ²°²                                                             ²°²     
       ßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛÛÛÛ°²°²°²°²°²  GROUP INFO  °²°²°²°²°²ÛÛÛßßßßßßßßßßßßß     
       ²°²                                                             ²°²     
       ²°²    FUA is a group of experienced scene rippers. We          ²°²     
       ²°²    know our tools inside and out. We're interested          ²°²     
       ²°²    in quality above everything else. Quality for us         ²°²     
       ²°²    means both technical excellence and worthwhile           ²°²     
       ²°²    content.                                                 ²°²     
       ²°²    We do not bother with crap. And we only rip what         ²°²     
       ²°²    we want to.                                              ²°²     
       ²°²                                                             ²°²     
       ²°²                                                             ²°²     
       ²°²                                                             ²°²     
       ²°²                                                             ²°²     
       ²°²                                                             ²°²     
       ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛÛÛÛ°²°²°²°²°²  GREETZ  °²°²°²°²°²ÛÛÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß     
       ²°²                                                             ²°²     
       ²°²                       our moms                              ²°²     
                   - - -  we're not here to toe the line.  - - -               
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