Fat Joe Follow The Don *NTSC* - DVDRIP - TM
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                 :: Release Info ::
Release          Ф Fat.Joe.Follow.The.Don.NTSC.DVDR-TM
Rip Date         Ф 02/13/2004
Retail Date      - 12/02/2003
Source           Ф DVD
Format           - DVDR
Archives         Ф 92x47.6 MB
Files            - FJFTD-TM.R**
                 :: Movie Info ::
IMDB URL         Ф http://www.cduniverse.com/productinfo.asp?style=MOVIE&pid=6609972&cart=176493040
IMDB Rating      Ф N/A
Genre            Ф Music Video Rap / Hip Hop, Behind The Scenes
MPAA Rating      Ф N/A
Runtime          Ф 70 minutes

                :: Plot ::
Fat Joe is a hip-hop sensation. Now come behind the scenes with the portly star as he takes us on a tour of his life, and brings a few famous friends along for the ride. P. Diddy, Irv Gotti, Ja Rule, and Ashanti all make appearances, along with an assortment of groupies, strippers, and a whole lot more!
               :: Cast ::
Fat Joe

              :: Group Needs ::
legit 100mbit sites to affil on
legit 20+mbit sites to affil on or archive our rips
legit urban / hip-hop dvd rippers with 30k+ upload speeds
a ascii artist to create us a new nfo :P
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