Shes The One *With Commentary* - DVDRIP - VCDVaULT
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 ³                                                                            ³
 ³     DVD R1 Release Date: 03/20/01                                          ³
 ³     Original Movie Release Date: 08/23/96                                  ³
 ³     SVCD Release Date: 05/18/02                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³      IMDB:                                ³
 ³     Title: She's the One (1996)                                            ³
 ³     Genre: Comedy  / Romance                                               ³
 ³     Tagline: A romantic comedy about two brothers                          ³
 ³           and the one thing that came between them.                        ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³     Plot Summary:  How do siblings deal with each other                    ³
 ³     in their targets? This is the question tackled in this movie.          ³
 ³     Micky drives a cab since the breakup with his ex-fiance two years ago. ³
 ³     His younger brother, Francis, cannot let Micky forget the tragedy of   ³
 ³     the "hairy ass"- Micky's image of his apartment floor after walking    ³
 ³     in on her. Finding relief in driving his cab, Micky finds a wife,      ³
 ³     his old lover, and life itself as fares in the course of a summer.     ³
 ³     Francis, the young Wall Streeter, unhappy in his marriage and led by   ³
 ³     his infidelity, continues his shots at Micky throughout the film,      ³
 ³     only to find himself a plot device that lends humor and lessons about  ³
 ³     marriage and brotherhood. Given Micky's frame of reference on the past ³
 ³     and his bride of 24 hours, it is no wonder that the brothers, along    ³
 ³     with a father that does not allow women aboard his fishing boat, learn ³
 ³     about the strength of women, and their own lives.                      ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³     IMDB Rating: 6.1/10 (2047 votes)                                       ³
 ³     Cast:                                                                  ³
 ³      Edward Burns (I) .... Mickey Fitzpatrick                              ³
 ³      Mike McGlone .... Francis Fitzpatrick                                 ³
 ³      Jennifer Aniston .... Renee Fitzpatrick                               ³
 ³      Maxine Bahns .... Hope Fitzpatrick                                    ³
 ³      Cameron Diaz .... Heather Davis                                       ³
 ³      John Mahoney .... Mr. Fitzpatrick                                     ³
 ³      Malachy McCourt .... Tom                                              ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿                               ³
 ³                  °   °  ° °°±±²Ûþ Rip.iNFo þÛ²±±°° °  °   °                ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³        Video Format [ SVCD ]                Audio Format [ MP2 ]           ³
 ³        Video Bitrate[ 1912 ] kbps           Audio Bitrate[ 224 ] kbps      ³
 ³                                                          [ 128 ] kbps      ³
 ³        VBR (6-pass) [X] Yes [ ] No          VBR          [ ] Yes [X] No    ³
 ³        No. of Audio Tracks [2]              Chaptered    [X] Yes [ ] No    ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³        Release Size: (2) [ ] 74 min  [X] 80 min                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³        Notes: dirrectors commentary included. enjoy this fine release.     ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿                               ³
 ³                  °   °  ° °°±±²Ûþ  Greets  þÛ²±±°° °  °   °                ³
 ³               Love to nando, the DivX scene, and the SVCD scene            ³