Panic Room *WS* - SCREENER - WWF
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 _          __  _          __  _____    _   _____     _____    _____       ___   _        _    :
| |        / / | |        / / |  ___|  | | /  ___/   |  _  \  | ____|     /   | | |      | |   :
| |  __   / /  | |  __   / /  | |__    | | | |___    | |_| |  | |__      / /| | | |      | |   :
| | /  | / /   | | /  | / /   |  __|   | | \___  \   |  _  /  |  __|    / /-| | | |      |_|   :
| |/   |/ /    | |/   |/ /    | |      | |  ___| |   | | \ \  | |___   / /  | | | |___    _    :
|___/|___/     |___/|___/     |_|      |_| /_____/   |_|  \_\ |_____| /_/   |_| |_____|  |_|   :
Because Stone Cold said so!
           |      In Their 1st Year Of Glory, WWF Released       |
           | Panic Room *WS* Screener
           | Protection.. PlastiK Case| Supplied By... Triple-H  |
           | Version..... None        | Cracked By.... Stone Cold|
           | Disks....... CD1: 43     | Packaged By... Vince M.  |
	   |      ....... CD2: 35     |                          |
           | Date........ 05/26/2002  | Rating........ 69/69     |
           |             Keeping the scene alive !@#             |
                           Release Information                                
    Three men search for a missing fortune in a big mansion while a woman 
    hides in one of its rooms.
                         Joining/Group Information                          
   WWF was established in a dark room in November 2001, an alliance of dedicated
   individuals to bring YOU the best of the scene.
   Over the past few weeks we have been flooded with applications for joining.
   Currently, we are not accepting any new members into the group.  If we feel
   you have reached the level of skill to join the group you may be contacted
   and invited to join the group.
   WWF has some very simple concepts about the scene.  We are becoming tired
   of the 'crap' which the normal groups are releasing. We are fed
   up with the groups only interested in stats and credits! WWF is about quality
   releases for the end-user, such as the one for the nfo you are reading now!
   Recently inherited into the group has been some of the best rippers on the 
   scene, their skills have brought WWF to the top!
                             Group Greetings                               
                             Contacting WWF                          
    Email           : [email protected]
    iRC (EFnet)     : #wwf
    World Wide Web  :
    Do not ask us for disks/serials/cracks or releases, since your requests will
    simply be ignored !
 If you like this software, buy it! Software companies need your support...
 WWF brings you a fully working version of this software for EVALULATION
 purposes only.  We have no intension of this software been used in companies,
 because that just sucks! 
 crc-check: 4t7f8a9i7s4o4lr4+69+4s7u8c9k4s1
 --------------------------------------------------------[ (c) WWF 2001 ]--//-