Transformers The Movie Special Edition - DVDRIP - 3rD
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                         Prepare For the 3rdMillenium
³                -= Transformers The Movie-Special Edition =-                ³
³                      Release Date:    19 May, 2002                          ³
³                            Format:    Super Video CD                        ³
³                            Source:    DVD                                   ³
 ³33333333333333333333333333333333333333³ ³3333333333333333333333333333333333³
³   Number of CDs: 2                    ³ ³  Archive Size                     ³
³   Archive Name:3rdtfcd1.partxx.rar    ³ ³   CD1: 58 x 15mb                  ³
³                3rdtfcd2.partxx.rar    ³ ³   CD2: 49 x 15mb                  ³
³                                   ³
                        Rip handled by WAJ and AcidSlam
  Special thanks on this one go to "AcidSlam" for finally getting off his fat 
               lazy arse and doing something when I ask him too ;-)
                      Oh, and for the use of his DVDRom....
   Movie Outline
There is an evil new force in the Universe, a monster planet that devours
everything in its path, and its heading for the small planet of Cybertron where
a unique race of transforming robots continue to fight a civil war...a war
between good and evil that has raged for millions of years.
The evil Decepticon transformers, led by the maniacal Megatron have sworn to 
crush their enemies, the Autobots. To this end, they have relentlessly persued 
them across the galaxy from planet Cybertron to planet Earth and back again. But
the heroic Autobot transformers and their courageous leader Optimus Prime are
not easily defeated.......
  Release Notes
This is the limited, special edition of TFTM, including Spike swearing ;-)
  About Us
We are a new group dedicated to bringing QUALITY releases to the scene.  
  Interested in joining us?
We are currently looking for the following:
  33333333333       Pre-dvd releases and or screeners        33333333333
  33333333333        Suppliers of new movie releases         33333333333
  33333333333    10mbit and above dump sites (no .edu plz)   33333333333
  33333333333    We do NOT need any couriers at this time    33333333333
³Greets to:                                                                   ³
³                    HafVCD          THCiSO         FTF                       ³
³                        Centropy        EViLiSO     VCDEurope                ³
³                                                                             ³
³                   #oldwarez        VoRTEX             BamVCD                ³
³                          TMMVCD        #isofoundry                          ³
³                                                                             ³
³                      BamVCD      DVNVCD         DrS                         ³
³                             SMUT        EXXTASY     FMi                     ³
³                                                                             ³
³               Everyone who brings quality to the Scene                      ³