Snow White: Platinum Edition - DVDRIP - 3rD
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                         Prepare For the 3rdMillenium
³                     Snow White: Platinum Edition DVD rip                    ³
³                      Release Date: 06/01/2002                               ³
³                            Format: SVCD                                     ³
³                            Source: DVD rip (5 vobs)                         ³
 ³33333333333333333333333333333333333333³ ³3333333333333333333333333333333333³
³                                       ³ ³ Archive                           ³
³          Number of CDs: 2             ³ ³  CD1: 15MB x 50 (.rar-.r48)       ³
³                                       ³ ³  CD2: 15MB x 48 (.rar-.r46)       ³
³                                   ³
   Movie Outline
From the old fairy tale, a jealous queen attempts to get rid of her beautiful
step-daughter, Snow White, who takes refuge with seven dwarfs in their forest
home. The queen changes into a witch and tempts Snow White with a poisoned
apple which puts her into an everlasting sleep, until a prince finds her in a
glass coffin and awakens her with Love's First Kiss.
  Release Notes
Pretty standard SVCD...  Check your DVD player compatibility with the SVCD
format before bitchin to us that it doesn't work - I tested it personally on
both the Apex AD-600A and the Apex 1500, as well as on a Toshiba DVD-ROM.
Perfect sound and only slight video quality loss from this excellent DVD.
Yes, we know it's a kiddie release, but unreleased content is getting harder
to find.  Please don't bitch about it - we don't give a fuck.  Just enjoy it
and look forward to our next release.
  About Us
We are a new group dedicated to bringing QUALITY releases to the scene.  
  Interested in joining us? #3rd efnet
We are currently looking for the following:
  33333333333       Pre-dvd releases and or screeners        33333333333
  33333333333        Suppliers of new movie releases         33333333333
  33333333333    10mbit and above dump sites (no .edu plz)   33333333333
  33333333333    We do NOT need any couriers at this time    33333333333
  Previous Releases
³Greets to:                                                                   ³
³                    HafVCD          THCiSO         FTF                       ³
³                        Centropy        EViLiSO     VCDEurope                ³
³                                                                             ³
³                   #oldwarez        VoRTEX             BamVCD                ³
³                          TMMVCD        #isofoundry                          ³
³                                                                             ³
³                      BamVCD      DVNVCD         DrS                         ³
³                             SMUT        EXXTASY     FMi                     ³
³                                                                             ³
³                    Everyone who brings quality to the Scene                 ³