Saints And Soldiers *WS* - DVDRIP - EViLiSO
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ÿþ  only elite adds above   ___________________________________________________

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 |   .                                                    \\/            :   |

 |   :    EViLISO Wanted by the PlayBoy Recommended by CNN and the AP        |

 |   .       .                                            .        .     .   |

 |   .            .       g r a n t s   y o u  . . .               .         |

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 |       +  handlers  EViLISO Fanatics  2004 : 04 : 14  +       |

            rls.type  SVCD                 Audio :  English                  |

 |       +  rls.size  CD1 & CD2: 53 Files Passes:  CCE 4 VBR         +       |

 |     __³___________________________________________________________³__     |

 |   .          .                                              .         .   |

 |   :   :      .               Saints & Soldiers             _      :   :   |

 |   .          .                                     _____  (_)         .   |

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 |   .       \\/          .               \\/       .          .          \\/

 |   :                                                                   :

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 |   . + Starring: Corbin Allred, Larry Bagby, Kirby Heyborne,         + .   |

 |                 Peter Asle Holden, Alexander Niver,....                   |

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 |                             * PLOT *                                      |

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 |       Five American soldiers fighting in Europe during World War II       |

 |       are separted from U.S. forces during the historic Malmedy Massacre. |

 |       Most of their fellow soldiers are slaughtered by German forces,     |

 |       leaving them stranded and without support behind enemy lines.       | 

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 |       Won a lot of festival prices and I can tell you it's good !         |   

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    - --\\-----------------------------------------------------------//-- -

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 |  Want to join The Oldest Movie Releasing Team ?                           |

 |  If you are able to provide us one or more of the following:              |

 |                                                                           |

 | ~ Unreleased PC-ISOs, S/VCDs (TS TC  ~ Happen to  live in  Asia Pacific?  |

 |   SCREENER DVD TAPES), basicly any-    Drop  us a  line  if  you  have a  |

 |   thing  we  can  release ,  either    decent uplink  and are willing to  |

 |   internally   or  to  provide  the    support us.                        |

 |   scene's movie / iso fanatics with                                       |

 |   the material.                      ~ If you  have  any  music  related  |

 |                                        stuff (TAPEs DVDs  BOOTLEGs  with  |

 | ~ If you work at a theatre, or have    GOOD sound/pic) drop us a line.    |

 |   in  some  way  access  to digital                                       |

 |   video   recording  equipment  and  ~ We  are  also  looking  for  RARE  |

 |   unhindered  access to the projec-    movies,  as  in  OOP ,  STRANGE ,  |

 |   tion booth.                          DISTURBING  SHIT,  SHORT MOVIES /  |

 |                                        ANIMATIONS, WORKPRINTS,  ...  un-  |

 | ~ If you  work at a video, software    available  anyhere  else  get  in  |

 |   or movie  distribution  house, be    touch  with us, we'd like  to put  |

 |   sure to contact us too.    .         this out for mass consumption.  .  |

 |   .            .    .      __|______    .        .              __/__  :  |

 |   :  -///-/\______  :  - ----||     \/_______   ,____ /\____ ____/   \,____

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 | /    ____/ _\     /______ /  ____/  _\  \   /_____ /___/    /____ /_____ /

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 |   :      .     :             .         \\/       .        \\/   :      :  |

 |   .            .                        .                              .  |

 |      So if  YOU  think it is time you got a little ...  e   v   i   l     |

 |   .  find us somewhere out there or hope that we'll find ur lost soul  .  |

 |                                                                           |

 |  So if  you fit our  needs and  wishes we can  help you  out with almost  |

 |  everything that floats around in the scene, be it ... 0DAY IS0 S/VCD TV  |

 |  DIVX DVD ANIME CONSOLE CLONE BOOK MP3 PDA LINUX ... you name it. Supply  |

 |  us anything we want, become a Full Member and YOU can get it.            |

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 |        .    .                                            .       .        |

 |  +          :                 - ----/\_______      _                   +  |

 |        .  __/\______  - ---/\______//  __    ))  _(_)___/---- -  .        |

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 |        .  ((____ /      .   (_____ /(_______ /---\///---/-///-   .        |

 |               \\/       :       \\/       \\/    :         .              |

 |        .                .        .         .     .         .     .        |

 |        :       The hell with people who say we cant do it.       :        |

 |  +                                                                     +  |

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 |              m00                                           .              |

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 |  +   ---------------------------------------------------------------   +  |

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 |           Greetings to our personal friends in:  JGT, FAIRLIGHT,          |

 |           AOD, MEWVCD, DEViANCE, ISO, CLASS PC  and  the  oldies          |

 |           in CTP, TWCiSO and the FORGOTTEN ONES with EViL HEARTS          |

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 |                "loyality & attitude never go out of style"                |

 |  +                                                                     +  |


    - --\\---------------------------------- only elite adds below   //--v-