Steve Coogan In Coogan's Run *PAL* *DVDR* - DVDRIP - Cheetah-TV
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/\ , / \ , / \ , / / \ \ _____________³ ³__ ___³ ³____________, , ____,__________ , ________ _______³ ³³ ______,_______,__ / ³³ ³³ , / ³³ / ³³ |³ ³ ³³³ ³³ ³ |³ |³ ,__/ / |³/ |³ ³ / |³³ |³ ..TV ³ _ ³ _³_____/ / +³ ³__ ³________ ³| _³____ ³ ³ ³ '_ ___ '_ ___ ³ \ ³ ³+ \ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ____\ ³ ___ ³ ³ ³+ ³______³ ³ ³ _______³ _______³ ³_____³ ³ ³ ³ ³³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ + ³ ³ ³ ³| \ ³ \ \ \ ' \ | ³ ³' \ ³___________³___³_______³________³_________³___________³______³_³_____³³_ ³ ,______________________________________________________, _ ³_______³ ,_____/ \______, ,_/ \_, Steve.Coogan.In.Coogans.Run.PAL.DVDR-Cheetah-TV _____, ,_____ ³ \_________________,_____________________________________________/ ³ : ³ ³ SOURCE .: PAL Retail DVD ³ ³ FORMAT .: PAL DVDR ³ ³ RUNTIME .: 180 minutes approx. ³ ³ ³ ³ VIDEO BITRATE .: 2830 kbit/sec ³ ³ AUDIO BITRATE .: 224 kbit/sec ³ ³ ³ ³ AIR DATE .: 27/01/2003 ³ ³ RELEASE DATE .: 28/01/2003 ³ ³ RELEASE SIZE .: 56x15 MB ³ ³ ,__________________________, ³ ³ ,_____/ \______, : ³_______________/_,, RELEASE INFO ,,_\_______________³ ³ \_______________,___________________/ ³ ³ ³ ³ Coogan's Run was a showcase for Steve Coogan's many comic talents. These ³ ³ six dark slices of hilarity were written marvelously by Henry Normal, ³ ³ Graham Linehan,Arthur Matthews,Patrick Marber,David Tyler and Steve ³ ³ Coogan himself. The following is a guide that is edited by Adrian Howlett ³ ³ a comic writer himself. ³ ³ ³ ³ 1-1 17-Nov-1995 Get Calf ³ ³ 1-2 25-Nov-1995 Dearth of a Salesman ³ ³ 1-3 01-Dec-1995 Handyman for All Seasons ³ ³ 1-4 08-Dec-1995 Thursday Night Fever ³ ³ 1-5 15-Dec-1995 Natural Born Quizzers ³ ³ 1-6 22-Dec-1995 The Curator ³ ³ ³ ³ ,__________________________, ³ ³ ,_____/ \______, : ³_______________/_,, GROUP INFO ,,_\_______________³ ³ \_______________,___________________/ ³ ³ ³ ³ El Cheetah-TV is a group of autistic friends. We do stuff. We're not ³ ³ amazing or anything, so if you're looking to join us go find a *decent* ³ ³ group! ³ ³ ³ ³ But, if you really insist (as if.) then these things might help you join ³ ³ our support group for rapists: ³ ³ ³ ³ (!) Maybe you work in the media (PR company/production company/ ³ ³ magazines etc.) and you can get hold of press kits? ³ ³ (!) Occasionally get your hands on screener/promo tapes of shows ³ ³ (!) You can capture TV and are not demanding or anything (remember: ³ ³ we don't really give a fuck whether we release or not. We do ³ ³ stuff when *we* want to. ³ ³ ³ ³ If you think you can help out then email us at [email protected] ³ ³ ³ ³ Cheetah-TV fully complies with SiCK's scene rules.... ³ ³ ³ ³ IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT DON'T DOWNLOAD IT ³ ³__, ,__³ / \ ³____, Cheetah-TV: quality, pride and ...uhm LEGO????? :D ,____³ / \_________________,_____________________________________________/ \ \ \_____________________________________ / / /____/\_ / \ \______________ / ___/ _/__ \ / \ / \ / \__/