More Dirty Debuntantes 222 - XXX - NEWiSO
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     |                                                               |
     |                   O R G A S M - Presents:                     |
     |  -----------------------------------------------------------  |
     |                      Shrine (c) Success                       |
     |  -----------------------------------------------------------  |
     |  Origin....: Japan - Ntsc         Size.....: 22 Files         |
     |  Date......: April 22th, 2002     Source...: Cd               |
   __|  Platform..: PlayStation 2        Type.....: RPG              |__
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     |  NOTES                                                        |
     |  -----                                                        |
     |  A nice Japanese RPG dealing with 5 girls on a wild           |
     |  and eccentric quest                                          |
     |                                                               |
     |  JOINING                                                      |
     |  -------                                                      |
     |  We are only looking for people able to Supply New and        |
     |  Unreleased games, utils, movies, etc. NOT on the net and     |
     |  also for Experienced Crackers !                              |
     |                                                               |
     |  If you think you fit the needs,                              |
     |  email us at: [email protected]                        |
     |                                                               |
     |  GREETINGS                                                    |
     |  ---------                                                    |
     |  Miracle - Isosphere - Wipice - Genius - Chronic - Rsiso      |
   __|  Paradox - Lightforce                                         |__
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     |        - If you like this game, Buy the Original ! -          |
     .                                                               .