And Ya Don't Stop - Hip-Hop's Greatest Videos - DVDRIP - uToPiA
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                 THE ARMADILLOS ARE ON THE RISE!!!                         *
                              General Information
Release Date.........: 9 June 2002
Type.................: Movie
Part Size............: 15,000,000 bytes
Number of Parts......: 1x54
Compression Format...: RAR
File Validation......: SFV
Image Format.........: .bin   .cue
Image Created with...: VCDIMAGER
Burn Tested..........: Yes
Bitrate..............: 224 - VBR
Hz...................: 44,100
Channels.............: Stereo
Source...............: DVD
Video Format.........: MPEG2
Video Bitrate........: 1718 6 Pass VBR CCE, IVTC
Resolution...........: 480x480
FPS..................: 29.976 w/ Pulldown
Source...............: DVD 16x9
Original Format......: NTSC
Genre................: Music Video
IMDb Rating..........: n/a
Movie Information....: n/a
CD1 Size.............: 805mb

                                 Release Notes
A collection of some of the better rap videos around...unfortunately some are
edited.  Sorry about the low bitrate, but I figured a 55 minute movie might as
well go on one cd rather than 2.  Enjoy.
Video listing: 
1. Public Enemy, "Fight The Power"
2. Arrested Development, "Tennessee"
3. Wu Tang Clan, "C.R.E.A.M."
4. N.W.A., "Straight Outta Compton"
5. Queen Latifah, "U.N.I.T.Y"
6. 2 Pac (Tupac Shakur), "Brenda's Gotta Baby"
7. Ice Cube, "It Was A Good Day"
8. Onyx, "Slam"
9. House Of Pain, "Jump Around"
10. Eazy E, "Real Compton City Gs"
11. Whodini, "Freaks Come Out At Night"
12. Eric B. & Rakim, "Microphone Fiends" 

we need sites to affil on... we're not picky: [email protected]
                                 Install Notes
unrar, burn, enjoy.