Silmido *WS* *Subbed* - DVDRIP - EMERALD
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  Æ title          : Silmido *LIMITED* *SUBBED*
  Æ release date   : 07/20/2004      Æ subbed    : yes [x] no []           
  Æ theatrical run : 04/23/2004      Æ language  : Korean
  Æ retail date    : ??/??/????      Æ rip type  : vcd [] dvd [X]
  Æ volume	   : 57x15mb	     Æ num of cd : 2
  Æ audio          : 224kbps 44.1    Æ video	 : 2004 kbps CCE multipass
  Æ url            :
³°°°°°°°  m o v i e   i n f o  °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°³
The most tragic & incredible event in Korean history.
January 1968, 31 members of North Korean Special Unit 124 infiltrated South 
Korea with the ultimate mission of attacking the Blue House (Presidential 
Palace in Korea) and assassinating President PARK Chung-hee. When KIM Shin-jo, 
the only member who was captured alive, was asked 'What was the purpose of 
infiltration?' on a live TV program, he shouted 'I came to slit the throat of 
President PARK Chung-hee!' and made the whole country's blood run cold.
At the same time, In-chan escapes the death penalty for being an accessory to 
a crime when he accepts an unexpected proposal from Jae-hyun , a general at 
Silmido H.I.D. Project and is transported to Silmido Special Unit. Silmido 
Special Unit is a unit composed of dysfunctional social outcasts and criminals 
under the death or life sentences. Sang-pil and Won-hee are also among the 
members of this unit. When they arrive at the island, Jae-hyun gives them the 
classified national duty, which is to explode the North Korean presidential 
palace and behead KIM Il-sung, the North Korean president. It is a retaliatory 
project. To its all 31 members, it is the ultimate patriotic mission with pride 
and loyalty; and it is the only chance they have to start a new life that is 
promised once the mission is successfully accomplished. With their hopes and 
promising vision, they survive through the most hellish inhumane 'killing' 
training and are reborn as human armories. They are the human killing machines, 
with strong comradeship and respect for each other.
Finally, the day arrives and they receive an order from the head office to carry 
out the mission. With their supreme confidence, they depart for the North. 
However, the project is suddenly revoked and they return to Silmido with much 
discouragement and stress. After then, the hellish training continues but, 
there is no more mission. The psychological frustration and physical tolerance 
start to reach their limits. And soon, the members start to lose their focus and 
unity. In order to regain complete control of the unit, the head office performs 
public executions of its own members. Meanwhile in 1970, with growing nationwide 
peacemaking movement between the North and the South, the government quickly 
decides to demolish Silmido Special Unit and executes all its members...
³°°°°°°°  g r o u p   i n f o  °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°³
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