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        .                                                              .
                     TiTLE......: ALF - s01e03 - Looking For Lucky
                     CHANNEL....: NBC
                     GENRE......: Sitcom
                     REL.DATE...: 10/08/04
                     AiR.DATE...: 06/10/86
                     DVD.DATE...: 10/08/04
                     SOURCE.....: DVD
                     FORMAT.....: NTSC
                     LANGUAGE...: ENGLiSH
                     QUALiTY....: XviD 2-Pass VBR
                     RESOLUTiON.: 464x352
                     SiZE.......: 13x15mb
                     LENGTH.....: 21 mins 21 secs
        .                                                              .
      . :                                                              : .
        :....... .... ...                              ... .... .......:
      :        : :..: :.: .                          . :.: :..: :        :
      :  _______     .___      /\_______   /\______________    _:_____   :
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      .        :                                                :        .
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        :                                                              :
        .                                                              .
           Great. Silly us assumed a season boxset would actually have 
           the episodes in the order of original air date, but 
           apparently we were very wrong. Four discs, 25 episodes, all 
           in completely garbled order. Except for the first episode of 
           the first disc, which was the pilot, just to throw us off.
           So for that reason, the episode that was already released 
           under this name, was actually E04, but the third episode on 
           the first disc.
           In other words, if you get this release:
           you will actually be getting:
           Hence, there is no
           only a
           Confused already? ;P
           Sorry about the mix-up, guess that's what can happen when
           you're very eager to get a release out.
           When Lucky the cat disappears, everyone pins the blame on 
           Finally it's here! The first season of ALF, after so many 
           years of waiting, is on DVD, and even remastered!
           A huge big congratulations to ALF and Paul Fusco for ALF's 
           Hit Talk Show being picked up by TV Land! It will return 
           this October, don't miss it!
           You should also check out some of our other exclusive ALF 
           releases, including
           (the first clip show, with commentary by ALF himself!),
           (like the title suggest, the original pilot, which was never 
           aired) and
           (gags, bloopers and outtakes from the show)
           Enjoy this terrific release from the group who brings you 
           more ALF than anyone, including the very first releases of 
           ALF on DVD, and the first release of ALF's Hit Talk Show!
           And make sure to pick up a copy of this boxset, they put a 
           lot of work into it, they deserve it, it's well worth the 
           money, and of course we want to make sure the remaining 
           seasons are released as well.
        .                                                              .
      . :                                                              : .
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        .                                                              .
               ETTS - iNNSYN - SMS - Razor1911 - DMG - ToS - CTP
        .                                                              .
      .                                                                  .
      . :                                                              : .
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