Road To Perdition *PROPER* - TELESYNC - UTi
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°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°ÛÚ        Û²°ÛÚ                  Û²°ÛÚ           Û²°°°°°°°°
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°°°±±              . u N D e R . T H e . i N F L u e N C e .             ²²°°°
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°°°²²                                                                    ²²°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°²² ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´       Road to Perdition (2002) PROPER        ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ±±°°°
°°°²²                          ±±°°°
°°°±±                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°±± Release :: 07/15/02   ³   Cast ::                                  ±±°°°
°°°±±                       ³                                            ±±°°°
°°°±± Quality :: TS (NTSC)  ³³  Tom Hanks .......... Michael Sullivan    ²²°°°
°°°±±                       ³³  Tylor Hoechlin ..... Michael Sullivan Jr ²²°°°
°°°±± Genre :: Crime/Drama  ³³  Paul Newman ........ John Rooney         ²²°°°
°°°²²                       ³³  Jude Law ........... Harlen Maguire      ±±°°°
°°°²² iMDB  :: 8.3/10       ³³  Daniel Craig ....... Connor Rooney       ±±°°°
°°°²²         (1000 votes)  ³³  Jennifer Jason Leigh Annie Sullivan      ±±°°°
°°°±±                       ³³  Kevin Chamberlein .. Frank the Bouncer   ²²°°°
°°°±± iMDB Code :: 0257044  ³³                                           ²²°°°
°°°²²                       ³³                                           ²²°°°
°°°²² CDs :: 2CDs           ³³                                           ²²°°°
°°°²²                       ³³                                           ±±°°°
°°°²²  ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ   ³³                                           ±±°°°
°°°±±                       ³³                                           ±±°°°
°°°±± Ripper ::             ³³  Plot Overview ::                         ±±°°°
°°°±± UTi                   ³³ Ú                                         ±±°°°
°°°±±                       ³³   Bonds of loyalty are put to the test    ±±°°°
°°°²² Supplier ::           ³³   when a hitman's son witnesses what his  ±±°°°
°°°²² UTi                   ³³   father does for a living.               ±±°°°
°°°²²                       ³³                                           ²²°°°
°°°±± [CD1] = 39 RARs       ³³                                           ²²°°°
°°°±± [CD2] = 34 RARs       ³³                                           ²²°°°
°°°±±                       ³³                                           ²²°°°
°°°±± Theater Rls Date ::   ³³                                           ²²°°°
°°°±± 06/12/2002             ³                                           ²²°°°
°°°²²                        ³                                        Ù  ±±°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°²²  Release Notes ::                                                  ²²°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ²²°°°
°°°±±  Ú                                                                 ²²°°°
°°°±±    UTi proudly brings out a long awaited release : Road to         ²²°°°
°°°²²    Perdition. We think this is a great print, and totally does     ²²°°°
°°°²²    this film justice. We hope you enjoy it.                        ²²°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ²²°°°
°°°²²    As a new idea, we're going to release the SVCD encode of this   ²²°°°
°°°±±    film internally as well. Please tell us which release you guys  ±±°°°
°°°±±    prefer, so we know which format to choose for the future. We    ±±°°°
°°°±±    know when Centropy started the whole TS.SVCD idea , there was   ²²°°°
°°°±±    a definite split of opinion. so PLEASE let us know on the       ²²°°°
°°°±±    public boards, and we'll listen to your comments. Team UTi      ±±°°°
°°°²²                                                                Ù   ²²°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ²²°°°
°°°±±                                                                    ²²°°°
°°°±±  Want to help out a dedicated and hardworking crew ?               ²²°°°
°°°²²  Can you ::                                                        ±±°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°²²  1. Supply VCD Silvers, Theater Rips (UK/US, Telesync/Telecine)    ±±°°°
°°°±±     Pre-Screeners (VHS/DVD) or Pre DVD Retails ?                   ±±°°°
°°°±±                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°²²  2. Provide 100/155+mbit EU/USA sites ?                            ±±°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°²²  3. Provide us with hardware (Harddisks, boxes etc) ?              ±±°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°²²  If so contact us :: IRC : #uti-vcd EFNET       WE DO NOT REQUiRE  ±±°°°
°°°±±                      Email : [email protected]         ANY NEW CURRIES   ±±°°°
°°°±±                                                                    ²²°°°
°°°±±                                                                    ±±°°°
°°°²² Greets to                                                          ±±°°°
°°°±±                                                                    ²²°°°
°°°²²  SiCK ~ FTF ~ HOODLUM ~ ESOTERiC ~ all our friends and leechers :) ²²°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ²²°°°
°°°±± This release was powered by ::                                     ²²°°°
°°°²²  SHoCK VCD for buying that Minority Report PDVD off us for œ10     ±±°°°
°°°²²   on CDROM GUIDE FORUMS ! Thanks for the beer money SHOCKER ! :D   ±±°°°
°°°²²                                                                    ²²°°°