Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind *XViD* - DVDRIP - DVL
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           Digital Video Labs
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                      ßß         ±±±±°        ±°°±°      Proudly Presents...
                                °    °°      °   °
  ÛÛ²±° ° [Release Info] °  °                                      °  ° °±²ÛÛ
  Û                                                                         Û
  Û              The.Dreamers.Uncut.Limited.DVDRiP.DiVX-DVL                 Û
  Û                                                                         Û
  Û²±° °  °°   °                                                    °  ° °±²Û
  ²                                                                         ²
  ±  Release Date:     08/30/04        Video Bitrate:    767 kBit/s XViD   ±
  °  DVD Retail Date:  09/28/04        Audio Quality:    vbr mp3 448 6ch
     Film Genre:       Drama           Video Resolution: 576 x 304            °
     MPEG4 Codec Type: XViD            Release Size:     98x15Mb
  °  DVD Runtime:      107 Mins (R1)   Video Framerate:  23.970FPS
     IMDB Rating:      8.6/10          Subtitles:        ENG/FRENCH/ESP
  ²                                                                         ²
  Û²±°° ° [Theatre Date] °                                          °  ° °±²Û
  ²                                                                         ²
  ±  Theatre date: (2004)                                                   ±
  °                                                                         °
  Û²±° °  [Plot Summary] °                                          °  ° °±²Û
  ²                                                                         ²
  ±    Joel (Jim Carrey) is stunned to discover that his girlfriend 
       Clementine (Kate Winslet) has had her memories of their tumultuous 
       relationship erased. Out of desperation, he contracts the inventor 
       of the process, Dr. Howard Mierzwaik (Tom Wilkinson), to have 
       Clementine removed from his own memory. But as Joel's memories 
       progressively disappear, he begins to rediscover their earlier 
       passion. From deep within the recesses of his brain, Joel attempts 
       to escape the procedure. As Dr. Mierzwiak and his crew (Kristen 
       Dunst, Mark Ruffalo, Elijah Wood) chase him through the maze of his 
       memories, it's clear that Joel just can't get her out of his head    ±
  ²                                                                         ²
  Û²±°  ° [Cast] °  °                                               °  ° °±²Û
  ²                                                                         ²
                            Jim Carrey ....  Joel Barish 
                          Kate Winslet ....  Clementine Kruczynski 
                    Gerry Robert Byrne ....  Train Conductor 
                           Elijah Wood ....  Patrick 
                       Thomas Jay Ryan ....  Frank 
                          Mark Ruffalo ....  Stan 
                            Jane Adams ....  Carrie 
                           David Cross ....  Rob 
                         Kirsten Dunst ....  Mary 
                         Tom Wilkinson ....  Dr. Howard Mierzwiak 
                          Ryan Whitney ....  Young Joel 
                           Debbon Ayer ....  Joel's Mother 
                         Amir Ali Said ....  Young Bully 
                           Brian Price ....  Young Bully 
                         Paul Litowsky ....  Young Bully  
  ±                                  ±
  ²                                                                         ²
  Û²±°° ° [Additional Info] °                                       °  ° °±²Û
  ²                                                                         ²
  °                                                                         °
  Û²±°° ° [GROUP NEWS] °                                            °  ° °±²Û
  ²                                                                         ²
  ±  group news... what news? a better question... what group? we don't
     exist so therefore you can not contact us, if we need you... we'll
     contact you :)
  °                                                                         °
  Û²±° °  °[GREETS]°                                                °  ° °±²Û
  ²                                                                         ²
  °   °
  Û                                                                         ²
  ÛÛ²±°° °  °                                                      °   ° °±²Û
  ²                                                                         ²
  ±                                                                         ±
  °                                                                         ° 
|.:.MisterX & MisterY.:.:.. \ \\/ // | ||\/\| ||::.::.:::.Site Scripts V1.2:|