Bio Zombie - DVDRIP - DVD-R
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|                                                                              |
)                       Title         > Bio Zombie                             (
)                      Genre          > Comedy/Horror                          (
)                     Movie Year      > 1998                                   (
)                    Runtime          > 94 minutes                             (
(                                                                              )
)                   DivX Rls          > 20.07.2002                             (
)                    DVD Rls          > 24.04.2001                             (
(                                                                              )
)                     Audio           > --r3mix                                (
)                    Video            > 825kbps SBC                            (
)                  Framesize          > 576x320                                (
(                                                                              )
)                  Size               > 698Mb                                  (
)                   Rar files         > 49x15Mb                                (
(                                                                              )
)                     Supplier        > [DVD-R]                                (
)                      Ripper         > Magically ripped itself                (
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|               Imdb info:                                                     |
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|                       Jordan Chan ....  Woody Invincible                     |
|                       Sam Lee (III) ....  Crazy Bee                          |
|                       Angela Tong Ying-Ying ....  Rolls                      |
|                       Yiu-Cheung Lai ....  Kui                               |
|                       Emotion Cheung ....  Loi                               |
|                                                                              |
|       Hong Kong's answer to George Romero's Dawn Of The Dead. A soft 	       |
|       drink tainted with bio-chemicals has the power to turn people into     |
|       flesh-eating zombies. A man drinks from the bottle, and wanders        |
|       into the night. As two young VCD sellers (Woody Invincible and         |
|       Crazy Bee) from a local mall are returning to the mall with their      |
|       bosses' car, they hit the man. Unsure of what to do, they bring the    |
|       man back to the mall with them. The mall closes, and soon there        |
|       are zombies everywhere! A small group of mall employees                |
|       must bond together to try and fight their way out.                     |
|                                                                              |
|	             	User Rating:  7.3/10 (75 votes)                        |
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|                                 Release Info                                 |
|                                 ------------                                 |
|       Well made zombie movie with typical asian humour.  I can recommend     |
|       it to everyone :)                                                      |
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|                                 Group Info                                   |
|                                 ----------                                   |
|  Back on track, bringing you excellent movies you won't find for rent or in  |
|                             your local library.                              |
|                                                                              |
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|                     *** We don't do Pre-release DVDs ***                     |
|                     ********* We don't do dubs *********                     |
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|  Looking for: - DVD suppliers/rippers (alternative/asian only)               |
|               - Dumps (preferably EU, couple of gigs dedicated hd-space)     |
|               - Shells and vhosts                                            |
|                                                                              |
|   Contact us: - [email protected]                                         |
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|                                  Thanks to                                   |
|                                  ---------                                   |
|                  AEN - PosTX - Schizo - Shitloads of others                  |
|   All the other groups in the DivX-scene bringing quality, Keep'm coming!    |
|                                                                              |
############################################################# By CNileK911 ##"