Seven Samurai (1954) *XviD* *SiZEFiX* - DVDRIP - MiNT
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One day Þ ÞÝ ÝÿÛ after an attack they seek the wisdom of an elder who tells them Þ ÞÝ ÝÿÛ they cannot afford weapons, but they can find men with weapons, Þ ÞÝ ÝÿÛ samurai, who will fight for them, if they find samurai who are in Þ ÞÝ ÝÿÛ down on their luck and wondering where their next meal will come Þ ÞÝ ÝÿÛ from. They find a very experienced samurai with a good heart who Þ ÞÝ ÝÿÛ agrees to recruit their party for them. He selects five genuine Þ ÞÝ ÝÿÛ samurai and one who is suspect but the seven return to the village Þ ÞÝ ÝÿÛ to protect it from the forty plus bandits. Þ ÞÝ Ý ÞÝ Ý ÞÝ Þ Û Þ Û Û ÛÜ Üß ÛÝ ßÜ ßÜ ÜÜÜÜßßßßÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜßßßßÜÜÜ Üß ÜÛß ßÛ ßÜÜßßß ÜÜ ßÜ ÜÜßß ßßÜßß ßßÜÜ Üß ÜÜ ßßßÜÜß ÜÛ ÛÝ ÜÜÛÛßßßßßßßÜ ÛÜß ÜÜÜÛÛß ÛÛÛÜÜ ßßÜß ÜÛßßßßßßßÛÜÜ ÞÛß Üß ÜÜÜ ßßÜ ÜÛ ÜÛß Ý ÜÛßÜ Û ßßÛÜ ÞÛ ÜÜßß ÜÜÜ ßÜ Üß ÜÛß ßßÜÜ ßßßÜÜßß Ü ßÜ Þ Ûß Û Û Û ÜÜ ßßÜÜÜßß ÜÜÛß ßßÜ ÛÜ Û ÜÛß ßßÛÜÜ ÜÜÛß ßÜ ßÛ Ý ÛÜ Û Û Üß ÜÛßßßÛÜ ÜÜÛÛß ß° Û° Û Û° ßßßßßß ÛÜ ßÜÛÜ ßÜÜß ÜÛÛß Ûß ßßßßßßß ß° Û Ý Û² ßÛ ßß ßß ÜÛ° Û Û Ý Û± T E C H N I C A L °ßÛÜÜÜÛßßÜÜÜÜÜÛß S P E C I F I C A T I O N Þ ÞÝ Ý Û°ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ßßß ßßßß ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÞ ÞÝ Ý Û Þ ÞÝ Ý Û VIDEO PARAMETERS AUDIO PARAMETERS Þ ÞÝ Ý Û ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Þ ÞÝ Ý Û Format.....: [x] XviD Format.......: [x] MP3 (VBR) Þ ÞÝ Ý Û [ ] DivX [ ] AC3 (2.0) Þ ÞÝ Ý Û Þ ÞÝ Ý Û Bitrate....: 851 kbit/s (avg) Bitrate......: 87 kbps (avg) Þ ÞÝ Ý Û Þ ÞÝ Ý Û Passes.....: [2] (VBR) Language.....: Japanese Þ ÞÝ Ý Û Þ ÞÝ Ý Û Resolution.:|[ ] 640x--- GENERIC DATA Þ ÞÝ Ý Û |[ ] 608x--- ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Þ ÞÝ Ý Û (FS source) |[ ] 576x--- Duration.....: 207 minutes Þ ÞÝ Ý Û [ ] 480x--- |[ ] 544x--- (3hr 27min) Þ ÞÝ Ý Û [ ] 448x--- |[x] 512x384 Þ ÞÝ Ý Û Package.Info.: CD1 50x15MiB Þ ÞÝ Ý Û Q.Factor...: 0.181 CD2 50x15MiB Þ ÞÝ Ý Û 1% recovery Þ ÞÝ Ý Û Aspect.....: [x] 4:3 (FS) Þ ÞÝ Ý Û [ ] 16:9 (WS) Theatre.Date.: 1956.11.19 Þ ÞÝ Ý Û DVD Date.....: 1999.03.01 Þ ÞÝ Ý Û FPS........: [ ] 29.970 (NTSC) Release.Date.: 2004.10.02 Þ ÞÝ Ý Û [ ] 25.000 (PAL) Þ ÞÝ Ý Û [x] 23.976 (FILM) IMDB.Rating..: 8.9 (26,474) Þ ÞÝ Ý Û Genres.......: Action Þ ÞÝ Ý Û Subtitles..: English Drama Þ ÞÝ Ý ÞÝ Ý ÞÝ Þ Û Þ Û Û ÛÜ Üß ÛÝ ßÜ ßÜ ÜÜÜÜßßßßÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜßßßßÜÜÜ Üß ÜÛß ßÛ ßÜÜßßß ÜÜ ßÜ ÜÜßß ßßÜßß ßßÜÜ Üß ÜÜ ßßßÜÜß ÜÛ ÛÝ ÜÜÛÛßßßßßßßÜ ÛÜß ÜÜÜÛÛß ÛÛÛÜÜ ßßÜß ÜÛßßßßßßßÛÜÜ ÞÛß Üß ÜÜÜ ßßÜ ÜÛ ÜÛß Ý ÜÛßÜ Û ßßÛÜ ÞÛ ÜÜßß ÜÜÜ ßÜ Üß ÜÛß ßßÜÜ ßßßÜÜßß Ü ßÜ Þ Ûß Û Û Û ÜÜ ßßÜÜÜßß ÜÜÛß ßßÜ ÛÜ Û ÜÛß ßßÛÜÜ ÜÜÛß ßÜ ßÛ Ý ÛÜ Û Û Üß ÜÛßßßÛÜ ÜÜÛÛß ß° Û° Û Û° ßßßßßß ÛÜ ßÜÛÜ ßÜÜß ÜÛÛß Ûß ßßßßßßß ß° Û Ý Û² ßÛ ßß ßß ÜÛ° Û Û Ý Û± R E L E A S E °ßÛÜÜÜÛßßÜÜÜÜÜÛß N O T E S Þ ÞÝ Ý Û°ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ßßß ßßßß ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÞ ÞÝ Ý Û Þ ÞÝ Ý Û We fucked up. But then we corrected our fuck-up. Follow these Þ ÞÝ Ý Û instructions carefully to fix your copy of Þ ÞÝ Ý Û Seven.Samurai.1954.REAL.PROPER.DVDRip.XviD-MiNT. Þ ÞÝ Ý Û Þ ÞÝ Ý Û 1. Extract all of the files in this release to a new Þ ÞÝ Ý Û directory. Þ ÞÝ Ý Û Þ ÞÝ Ý Û 2. Copy both of your video files to this directory. Þ ÞÝ Ý Û Þ ÞÝ Ý Û 3. Run fix-all.bat to fix both video parts, or run one of Þ ÞÝ Ý Û either fix-cd1.bat or fix-cd2.bat to fix just one of the Þ ÞÝ Ý Û respective CDs. You should fix them both. If you are a Þ ÞÝ Ý Û Linux user then you will have to patch manually. Please run Þ ÞÝ Ý Û "applymvp-l -h" for more information on how to do this. Þ ÞÝ Ý Û Þ ÞÝ Ý Û 4. Use the .sfv file to ensure that your fixed video files Þ ÞÝ Ý Û contain the correct data. If you are a Linux user then you Þ ÞÝ Ý Û may find the included .md5 file more useful. Þ ÞÝ Ý Û Þ ÞÝ Ý Û 5. The old subtitles will not work. Use the new subtitles Þ ÞÝ Ý Û instead. Copy them to the same directory as your video Þ ÞÝ Ý Û files to watch from hard disk or burn them with their Þ ÞÝ Ý Û respective video files to watch them on compact disc. Þ ÞÝ Ý Û Þ ÞÝ Ý Û The speed that it takes to apply the patches depends largely on Þ ÞÝ Ý Û your hard disk spin speed. On a 7200rpm IDE disk fixing of each Þ ÞÝ Ý Û CD should take about 3 minutes. Þ ÞÝ Ý Û Þ ÞÝ Ý Û So what happened? Here's a more detailed explanation of what went Þ ÞÝ Ý Û wrong and how the fix works. Our mistake was simply that we cut Þ ÞÝ Ý Û one key frame to the left of the centre point of the full length Þ ÞÝ Ý Û encoded video stream. This meant that CD1 was marginally Þ ÞÝ Ý Û undersized and CD2 was marginally oversized, but enough so that it Þ ÞÝ Ý Û exceeded the capacity of a 700MB compact disc. Since we aimed to Þ ÞÝ Ý Û use the maximum capacity of each CD the process was sensitive to Þ ÞÝ Ý Û the slightest error. Þ ÞÝ Ý Û Þ ÞÝ Ý Û What the fix does is add another set of frames onto CD1's video Þ ÞÝ Ý Û stream up until the next key frame and remove those same frames Þ ÞÝ Ý Û from the beginning of CD2's video stream up until that same key Þ ÞÝ Ý Û frame. It does not do this by cutting and pasting from one video Þ ÞÝ Ý Û stream to the other, so you can apply the patches to each CD Þ ÞÝ Ý Û independently of each other. All the instructions needed to Þ ÞÝ Ý Û perform the patching operations are stored in the MiNT Video Patch Þ ÞÝ Ý Û (.mvp) files. There are separate ones for each CD. Þ ÞÝ Ý Û Þ ÞÝ Ý Û I always check that the video files fit onto a CD before Þ ÞÝ Ý Û releasing, however in my narcoleptic state yesterday I did Þ ÞÝ Ý Û overlook the fact that the disc space free was in fact MINUS Þ ÞÝ Ý Û 300-odd kilobytes, not positive 300. This is quite an easy mistake Þ ÞÝ Ý Û to make since I check with Padus DiscJuggler and it lists the Þ ÞÝ Ý Û space free as "~ -300k". The tilde character always appears before Þ ÞÝ Ý Û the disc space free which I am used to seeing even when the space Þ ÞÝ Ý Û free is positive and I simply did not notice the negation sign as Þ ÞÝ Ý Û well. Not a mistake that I will be making again any time soon, I Þ ÞÝ Ý Û assure you especially since I noticed that the Start button for Þ ÞÝ Ý Û recording is greyed when there is not enough space free which is Þ ÞÝ Ý Û much easier to notice. Þ ÞÝ Ý Û Þ ÞÝ Ý Û In the case of this size fix I have checked, double checked and Þ ÞÝ Ý Û triple checked that all the new files now fit on 2 CDs. And just Þ ÞÝ Ý Û to make sure, I even burnt them and watched parts of them from CD Þ ÞÝ Ý Û as well. Þ ÞÝ Ý Û Þ ÞÝ Ý Û Mad props go out to our dump operator for finding the heuristic Þ ÞÝ Ý Û hash analysing byte comparison program beyond the call of duty! Þ ÞÝ Ý Û Originally we were going to just do a straight forward repack. Þ ÞÝ Ý Û Infinite props go out to the person who actually wrote the Þ ÞÝ Ý Û program. Joris Heirbaut, you Sir, are a genius. Þ ÞÝ Ý Û Þ ÞÝ Ý Û Now finally, sit back, relax, and enjoy 3 hours and a half hours Þ ÞÝ Ý Û of outstanding filmmaking. Þ ÞÝ Ý ÞÝ Ý ÞÝ Þ Û Þ Û Û ÛÜ Üß ÛÝ ßÜ ßÜ ÜÜÜÜßßßßÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜßßßßÜÜÜ Üß ÜÛß ßÛ ßÜÜßßß ÜÜ ßÜ ÜÜßß ßßÜßß ßßÜÜ Üß ÜÜ ßßßÜÜß ÜÛ ÛÝ ÜÜÛÛßßßßßßßÜ ÛÜß ÜÜÜÛÛß ÛÛÛÜÜ ßßÜß ÜÛßßßßßßßÛÜÜ ÞÛß Üß ÜÜÜ ßßÜ ÜÛ ÜÛß Ý ÜÛßÜ Û ßßÛÜ ÞÛ ÜÜßß ÜÜÜ ßÜ Üß ÜÛß ßßÜÜ ßßßÜÜßß Ü ßÜ Þ Ûß Û Û Û ÜÜ ßßÜÜÜßß ÜÜÛß ßßÜ ÛÜ Û ÜÛß ßßÛÜÜ ÜÜÛß ßÜ ßÛ Ý ÛÜ Û Û Üß ÜÛßßßÛÜ ÜÜÛÛß ß° Û° Û Û° ßßßßßß ÛÜ ßÜÛÜ ßÜÜß ÜÛÛß Ûß ßßßßßßß ß° Û Ý Û² ßÛ ßß ßß ÜÛ° Û Û Ý Û± G R O U P °ßÛÜÜÜÛßßÜÜÜÜÜÛß I N F O Þ ÞÝ Ý Û°ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ßßß ßßßß ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÞ ÞÝ Ý Û Þ ÞÝ Þ Û Contact us if you are looking for a friendly group and: ÛÝ Û Û Û Û° Û Û Û You're a supplier of unreleased content. Û Üß Û Û You're a site owner looking to affil. Û Ûß Û Û Û Ûß Û Û You could contact us directly or if you prefer Û Ûß Û Û try your luck at e-mailing the following address. ÛÝ Ûß Û Û Û Û Üß Üß mintquality[at]hushmail ßÜ ßÛ Û Üß ßÛÜ ßÜ Û Üß ßÜ ÞÝ Þ ßÜ ÜÛ ÞÝ ßÜ ßÜ Þß ÜÛ Û Û Þß Ûß ßÜ ßÜ Þß Ûß ßÜÛ ÛÜß