Come Back Little Sheba - DVDRIP - KooSH
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         ßÜÛÛÛß °            KooSH proudly presents              ßÛÛÛÜ   °
   °°ÜÜÜÛÛÛßß                                                      ßßÛÛÛÜÜÜ°°
  ܲ²Ûßß         Come.Back.Little.Sheba.1952.DVDrip.SVCD-KooSH          ßßÛ²²Ü
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  °ßÛ²²²²ÜÜ      GENRE:....drama         RELEASE:..10/10/2004       Üܲ²²²Ûß°
    Û ßÛßÛÛÛ²²Ü° FORMAT:...SVCD          SiZE:....cd1 15mbx57   ܲ²²ÛÛßßß±Û
    Û  Û °±ßÛ²²² iMDB:.....7.4/10 (512 votes)     cd2 15mbx57  ²²²Ûß  Ü  °Û
           ßß²²²ÛÛÛ²ÜÜÜÜÜÜ° Avg. Bitrate: 5pass @ 2230ÜÜÜÜÛÛÛÛ²²²ßß
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    For two decades Doc and Lola Delaney avoided coming to terms with what 
    Doc considered a "shot gun" marriage. Lola lost the baby and gives a 
    lot of her affection to Sheba, a dog that disappeared a few months before
    the film opens. Doc blames Lola for having to drop out of medical school 
    and not becoming a "real" doctor. Until joining AA a year ago, his escape 
    was alcohol. Then college student Marie rents a room in their home. Doc 
    feels passion for the first time in 20 years. But Marie has two suitors 
    her age. Lola -- unaware of Doc's emotions --becomes as interested in 
    Marie's future as if Marie were her daughter.
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                ܲ²²²°           -GROUP iNFO-             ²²²²Ü
            Üܲ²²²Ûß°  KooSH is looking for the following °ßÛ²²²²ÜÜ
       °Ü²²ÛÛÛßÛß      10MBiT+ 100gig+ boxes for group use    ßÛßÛÛÛ²²Ü°
       ²²²Ûß±° Û       100MBiT+ Affils Worldwide               Û °±ßÛ²²²
      Þ²²ÛÜ °  ²       Rippers and suppliers of PAL DVDs       ²  ° ÜÛ²²Û
       ²²²²ÛÜÜ ±       Contact: [email protected]             ± ÜÜÛ²²²²
       °ß²²²²²²° GREETS to all our friends and supporters...   °²²²²²²ß 
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            ßß²²²ÛÛÛ²ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°  ASCII BY m0lo/HOA       ÜÜÜÜÜÜÛÛÛÛ²²²ßß
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